Posts by Grant McDougall

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  • Hard News: Illegal Highs,

    Slightly off-topic, but there's been, unsurprisingly, some pretty hypocritical comments by MPs over this.

    The Nats claimed David Cunliffe was "playing politics" when he accused the PM of milking the royal visit for publicity (and to be fair, Cunliffe shouldn't have commented about it).

    Yet Dunne now turns around and blames Labour for any panic-buying by synthetic users' that might happen.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Record Store Day,

    He's probably not everyone's cup of tea, but if gloomy, jagged rock sung by a world-weary Aussie singer-guitarist's yer bag, here's an appreciation of the late, great Rowland S. Howard's remarkable two solo albums I just had published on Stuff

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Electric Dreams,

    It's somewhat ironic that for Record Store day there'll be 2,000 copies of the Dunedin Double and 1,000 copies of Bored Games' Who Killed Colonel Mustard ? ep, considering there were probably less than that number pressed originally.

    It is pleasantly surprising to see the Dunedin Double repressed, either way, as the Sneaky Feelings' masters were long thought to have vanished into the ether.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Internet Party, whatever happens,

    Curran's also in a relationship with Trevor Mallard, so presumably Cunliffe thinks it's less hassle to keep both of them within caucus. She is also, her IT snafus aside, a very good, highly-respected locally, electorate MP.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Internet Party, whatever happens,

    I pretty much agree with Sue Bradford, which is something I don't do too often. Kim Dotcom is anathema to Mana; their constituency and key members, John Minto, et al, are left-wing with a focus on things like the minimum wage, etc, etc - joining up with a multi-millionaire that lives in the country's most ostentatious mansion would be political suicide.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Capture: One picture of you, and no more, in reply to Sofie Bribiesca,

    Yep, definitely Grant R.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Web,

    Google arrived as not only a better search engine (and search engines really were fairly rubbish until it did), but one that prioritised results according to the links we’d made ourselves.

    I remember in about '96 or '97, in their "what's hot / what's not" column (or whatever it was called) Metro rated as hot "Ask Jeeves - the search engine with grunt".

    I've no idea if Ask Jeeves had "grunt" or not, having never used it. But given that that was pretty much the last time I was to even hear of it, I suspect not. Presumably Google must've learnt from Jeeves and their ilks' mistakes and the rest is history.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Mayor of…,

    Cheers, thanks for that Russell. I was told ages ago that he was Phil's son, but obviously not.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: The Mayor of…,

    Regarding Phil Warren, is his son Peter "Rooda" Warren, drummer for DD Smash in their early-mid '80s heyday ? If so, whatever happened to him ? Any ideas, please ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Poor Choices,

    Bad timing for Metro. In the latest issue Duncan Greive has a dig at Charlotte Dawson's advice to Lorde. Must've gone to the printers late last week, presumably.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

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