Posts by Grant McDougall

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  • Hard News: When a riot went on,

    Russell, just a small factual error in your story: presumably it was Split Enz's 10th anniversary in 1984, not 20th ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: When a riot went on,

    BFM used to play audio of a clearly very, er, "merry" then Auckland mayor Cath Tizard banging on at the previous week's concert about how great it was that Aotea Square was being used for big public gigs, etc. It's pretty hilarious listening.
    Wonder if said audio's on the web ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Thursday Music: Doing the Business,

    Which politician will be first to contrive a photo opp with Lorde - Key or Cunliffe ?

    Also, presuming she's more or less as popular in a year as she is now, what will be the more potent endorsement next year - a cup of tea in Epsom or a tweet from Lorde saying "I like politician / party 'X' (or words to that effect) ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers, in reply to Russell Brown,

    Maybe, but there's far less that have survived being thrown in the deep end at 16 and gone on to prosper than those thrown in the deep end at, say, 21, 22, 23, or who's success has been gradual rather than quick.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers,

    Russell, I see Simon Grigg has more or less answered your question for me. I've got no qualms about her having a crack at the big time, success, etc - good luck to her.

    But she should enjoy it while she can, if it lasts, I'll be surprised. You don't need me to tell you the long list of people that've had initial massive fame and success in the music biz only to burn out after only a few years.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: History, motherfuckers,

    While her music isn't my cup of tea, I think that at 16 she's been thrown in the deep end far too early. Popular music history is awash with people that were successful in their mid-teens and chewed up, spat out by the music biz only a year or two later, only to fade into obscurity and irrelevance.

    While she may be "taking it slowly" history isn't on her side in terms of her still being relevant in the medium or long term.

    Also, the "market" - for want of a better term - for commercial pop music - for want of a better term - is very, very fickle, again, as history shows.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: The GCSB Bill: eleventh-hour arguments,

    The bill passed on Wed evening. By 7.45 am the next morning on my way to work, I saw in massive letters on the footpath outside National list MP Michael Woodhouse's office this graffito: JOHN KEY IS BIG BROTHER.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Boos 'n' All,

    I disagree. It's pretty hypocritical of the Aussies to whine about people booing Cooper when their cricket team sledge at every opportunity.

    But I digress, for I live in Dunedin, where tomorrow I shall have my photo taken with THE RANFURLY SHIELD !!!!

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: Enter Audioculture,

    As an aside, any ideas why Andrew Schmidt's excellent Mysterex blog is no longer around ? I've just searched for it and it appears to've been removed / taken down.

    Any ideas if Andrew has a new website and / or blog ?

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

  • Hard News: Friday Music: A lovely…,

    I took a pic backstage at the FN 10th anniv. gig at Sammy's, Dunedin of Robert Scott, Paul Rose and Dominic Stones all standing next to each other wearing Clean t-shirts. Paul had the pic as his F/b profile pic a little while ago.

    Dunedin • Since Dec 2006 • 760 posts Report

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