Posts by Danielle
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anywhere can be dangerous
Does that article sound suspiciously like the police officers were the ones doing the beating? Or am I just a cynical person?
the occasional vag
Are they like occasional tables? Can I rest a martini on one? :)
Being ten thousand feet in the freaking air might also play a part.
In a *metal tube*. At *insane speeds*. Using scientific principles *I don't understand*. Knowing that if something goes wrong you are almost automatically *doomed to death*.
Ahem. Yes, I take heavy doses of prescription drugs to fly. Why do you ask? :)
deserves is a bit of an overstatement
I like to compare the ALAC rape ad to the one with the dude who swings his kid against the bookcase and ends up in the alley crying. You probably feel a bit of empathy for that dude, right? But you also think 'well, it's his own fault for being so drunk he couldn't judge distance any more. He hurt his kid.' You transfer that analysis to the rape ad and the underlying reasoning is the same. 'I feel terrible for her, but it's her own fault for getting so drunk she couldn't fend off a rapist. She hurt herself.'
Except she didn't. The rapist is the person who bears the responsibility for raping her. So I totally get what Megan is saying.
I'll cop to having gone to the petrol station across the road in pjs. :) The supermarket is a bridge too far for me, though. All those fluorescent lights...
it ought to be permissible to promote ways for women of making themselves less unsafe without exculpating the men who are doing the harassing
I'm waiting anxiously for the 'hey, could you not harass people, APB dudes?' PSAs, because they don't seem to make very many. There are quite a lot of the 'chicks, look out!' ones, though. (Or perhaps I'm just particularly well-attuned to hearing 'vagina-bearers, you're not allowed to get drunk in public in case you get raped' messages. Um, yay?)
Anyway, I'm sort of dubious about how much women need these sorts of 'lessons', because we're already told quite a lot how to guard our own safety. It's drummed into us practically from birth. Don't make eye contact, cross the road to avoid that person, be polite but don't be too polite, don't walk alone, don't go here, don't wear this, don't do that, get your keys out before you get to the door, look for the best place to run, etc etc etc. I'm actually kind of over learning about it, to be honest, and I'm certainly over being constantly nervous. I'd like some other people to do some learning for a change.
no matter how much No means No a person's safety cannot always be maintained
That's certainly true. I don't know why the discussion often (not here so far, but) ends up being about what the victim of the harassment or assault could have done differently, though. It should really be about the harasser's actions.
the clothes you wear clubbing also make a statement about your intentions
OMG! You're telepathic!
Acting as though that doesn't exist and that you have no control over it?
We're not in charge of how you act around a corselette: *you are*.
Or perhaps for women to have the choice to do so - or not do so - as they please. Preferably without getting shit for it.
Yes, that was sort of Emma's original point, I thought? We don't get to give other women shit for their clothing choices. (We are allowed to be wide-eyed with wonder in private, though, right? Because otherwise half of my TV-watching is ruined.)
Bra burning didn't actually happen. It was a sort of rhetorical piggyback on draft card burning.
(Also, you can pry my bra from my cold dead... hands.)