Posts by Danielle
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And, just for you, my current obsession.
OMG. Those are fabulous. Also, I would last about seven point three seconds in them before falling over. (The high heelz: I cannot walk in them.)
Ah. This is the internet after all.
AndrewH, you are buggering up my warm cockles. Stop it.
I don't know, I think that was a rather wonderful slip: 'evolutionary psycholy roaf' makes about as much sense as evolutionary psychology...
But, regardless, they are beautiful, and are, to me, art.
I think this is an important point - the silhouette, the design, the materials... no one gets too snarky about stuff installed in an art gallery, or even design pieces in your home, but clothing and accessories are The Most Frivolous Thing Ever, somehow.
This year, for the first time, I was able to afford to buy a pair of green Minnie Cooper shoes. They are so beautiful that I can't even handle it. Um, sorry Emma. :)
<points to own cleavage> Ceci n'est pas un pork chop.
some of the production styles and knowledge sure seemed to sweep through hip hop and other forms
I'm guessing with no real evidence that the biggest drum'n'bass ever got, influence-and-market-wise, was OutKast. 'Bombs Over Baghdad' and 'Ghetto Musick' were probably heard by way more people than anything else, because they got through to the USA too. (Also: holy fuck I still love 'The Rooster'. It's playing right now.)
For what it's worth, historians of the 'cultural studies' bent currently tend to explain the interactions between advertisers and demographics as a dialogue rather than one-way brainwashing. There's that magical word we can't stop using: 'agency'.
a conspiracy from Big Op Shop
I would totally sell my soul to Big Op Shop.
I would like to see something that tells men it's time to step up and stop being a dick, and that goes for your mates as well
Meta: I must say that this thread is rather warming the cockles of my heart. Not one person has yet said that by discussing fixing the harassment problem we are criminalising all men, overreacting, humourless, or anything even approximating the things on the usual bingo card. You are all quite delightful and I am beginning to wonder if this is actually the internet.
Older women aren't allowed to like what they see in the mirror?