Posts by Danielle
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Why does Joanne Black exist?
That may be rather too much of a metaphysical question, actually. Let me rephrase: what was her gig before this?
I suppose not-bright people can be funny without knowing it. But that's not quite the same thing.
(I've created a phrase worthy of an acronym! I feel so proud.)
Word UP. (My red codpiece of 80s funk salutes you.)
It's also pretty demeaning to blokes, as if they are Incapable! of Restraining! Themselves! due to their animalistic penis-brains. Erm, no.
fighting over small potatoes (compared to say, equal pay for women)
Women still don't have equal pay. We don't have a pay equity unit.
Otherwise, Tarantino since Jackie Brown (sinfully under-rated, IMO) is like being a tone-deaf blind man trying to make sense of Wagner's Ring Cycle.
I dunno... he still does cool-looking, violent things, but where I think he's lost his way is the ear for dialogue. He was always stylised but now it doesn't even ring true as clever schtick. That scene in Death Proof where all the gals sat around shooting the shit was *painfully* long and cringe-inducing. The comparison between that and the opening 'Like a Virgin' scene in Reservoir Dogs is telling.
I still thought some scenes in Kill Bill were totally, totally awesome, though. And when the talking stopped, Death Proof was really fun.
by voting that way they are excusing the people who are
That's the *effect*, but I imagine it's not the *intent*.
I don't think that most people I share a society with are a bunch of deliberate arseholes, in other words. Maybe just thoughtless and a bit reactionary?
Look, I agree with the 'yes' folks too, but I don't think we can assume everyone who voted 'no' is a sadist who loves beating kids... that seems rather excessive.
Jarvis is playing his own show at the Powerstation on December 4. And our household said 'hoorah!'
You're on the drugs already?
Heh. I forgot which thread this was. Way to bring it back around, Russell!