Posts by recordari

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  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    BenW, that's a good extension of the analogy. For my part I would compare the family car Toyota, bog standard, auto with my 2-stroke, hand-grip geared Vespa. Yeah, the family computer should be a work horse, and ours has been a G5 iMac for 4 years now (maybe 5?), and no one has complained at all. But for me, mobility in a device is important, as is parking, and while the MacBook Pro and iPhone cover all bases at the moment, I can see that the iPad could sit nicely in between. But I probably won't get version one.

    Yesterday I was trying to formulate an idea about 'media files' and how they are stored and accessed. Apparently the 'wicker man' came out, but overnight it has taken shape a bit more.

    Apart from us 40+ musical nerds who used to collect vinyl like it was some religious Icon, will future generations want the physical product? Maybe, and the tape deck revival shows that nostalgia is a powerful thing. However, if Apple, through iTunes, having locked up the rights to world music (???), says 'you no longer need a storage device for your music. Using iTunes 100.0 you can access your library from anywhere in the world, at any time, even through this FM signal', would that be a bad thing? There are sort of some working examples of this already. and YouTube maybe? If we could ditch Flash (I agree with that one), and establish a more portable and universal standard, the paradigm would indeed shift. It would require the marrying of some technologies, but Apple, and others, have been doing that for some time. Oh and more bandwidth. Damn that bandwidth. Can someone please crack the nut of true light speed data for everyone, and then we can all shut up about it.

    One more thing, Apple, like Google, is working on Smart Home Energy Efficiency systems. Also here. There is some cool stuff going on there, and when the widget people sort out the data recorders and transmitters, the distributed power geeks will have a field day. I've looked into the current offerings and they tend to be more 'hands on' than the average punter would be interested in. But it will come soon enough.

    And the iPad will be the perfect device. Wall mounted in the kitchen.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Has anyone posted this here yet?

    Old World and New World computing.

    I was waiting for JackE to do so, but either he has, and I missed it, or he is busy elsewhere. Thought it made some interesting points, and sorry for the RT ;-)

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    As you wish...
    Sure as eggs is eggs.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    I'm glad someone else is watching.

    Specifically thinking in relation to violent crime and heaven forbid, our smacking legislation, ie, not so much the Vietch case itself as the precedent and message that has been sent by the ruling.
    "I'm sorry for beating you yesterday son, here's your candy"
    "I said $1000 compensation daddy!"

    That gives a whole new meaning to the term 'logical leap'. More like a logical quantum leap.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Thanks. iPodviewer isn't too bad either, which is what I'll use when I pop round to my friends to recover their files. D'oh!

    There is a PC version at Tucows too I see.

    It's just not what you'd call 'intuitive' is it? Although I've always found it ironic that the programme to copy stuff off your iPod, which apple seems to want to make difficult for you, is stored on, which I assume is an official Mac domain?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    The popular iGen term for it is iTunes, but I used the metaphor because it also includes the computer on which iTunes resides. If that dies, gets removed to 'elsewhere', or the software gets corrupted (this was a PC we're talking about, just to be clear) then you are left with an iPod that remains in it's present state until further notice, or it dies too, in which case your music, as you know it, is gone.

    Provided you are someone, like me I must admit, that still keeps the original CDs, and backup your iTunes purchases, this can be recoverable, but it is by no means a simple task, and if you are willing to pop round your friends house to facilitate the process of recovery, then all power to you. You can also retrieve the files off the iPod using some freeware utilities, but the whole library structure takes quite a lot of rebuilding, if you have the 200+ CDs that many have. Also newer iPods and iPhones are not so forgiving when it comes to being synced with another version of iTunes.

    So should we throw it all away and go back to CDs? No, definitely not. What will happen, IMhO, is that future iTunes files will include an 'Off-site Backup Copy' on some remote server which you can synchronise with your system whenever you need to. Some people may have this already. This needs more bandwidth though.

    It is an area that will have to be addressed in the 'New World' we are embarking on. As we increasingly depend on these new devices for storage of Photos, Videos, Music, Books, Television, Magazines, Research Papers etc, the responsibility for the long term integrity of 'data' needs to be taken seriously, or it will all become so many random bits in the ether* before we know what's hit us.

    *Otherwise known as Twitter and Facebook.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Did someone mention Whale oil?

    Moving right along, I just received a panic call from someone who has lost their iPod 'Mothership', and wants to know how to re-create it from scratch with all the music on the iPod.

    Umm, where do I start? Well, you can get this thing called... three hours later and my last words are 'stick to CDs'.

    Which somewhat negates my entire world view. Now, which rock did I crawl out form under?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Random Play: The Big Day Out: Lambs to…,

    The sound isn't fantastic, and video a bit bumpy, but this does sound pretty damn special.

    Chris & Co were fantastic at Laneways. He did Punk vocals better than anyone I've ever heard before. Thanks Chris.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Anyone wants to come take my electricity off me, than don't forget to take my washing machine also.

    We might run out of magnets though, and I suppose I'll have to 'lubricate it' eventually. Oh, yeah and some storage. Maybe I'll line up some Laptop batteries. We're sweet for Lithium aren't we? 1775 years? We might have invented some other forms of power by then.

    Anyway, back to the iPad. SDK 3.2 has been released already with a simulator for the iPad OS, so Apps developers should get cracking. Not forgetting the 100,000 odd iPhone Apps that will work. Has this been mentioned? Sorry, if so.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    If we accept the limits of our perception,
    the possibilities are endless.

    Electricity is free and abundantly available. It's just in the wrong hands ;-)

    Can't we view the 'platform' as the foundations of a 'perfect world'?
    Then it is up to the developers whether that's 'magic' or otherwise.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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