Posts by recordari

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  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    As I can't sleep in this damn heat, can I just add one more insightful comment to this thread.

    Apart from being starry-eyed loons, we are also godless communists.

    Linky love to the Creationist 'article'. I had to add this quote, it's just so priceless.

    ADDENDUM IV (4/21/2002): Apparently anti-Christian zealots -- as well as shocked Christians who have unwittingly become Mac owners -- are linking to this article, which explains the large number of emails we have received on this topic. More clues have come in showing the dark nature of Apple Computers. According to one of our readers, the new MacOS X contains another Satanic holdover from the "BSD Unix" OS mentioned above; to open up certain locked files one has to run a program much like the DOS prompt in Microsoft Windows and type in a secret code: "chmod 666". What other horrors lurk in this thing?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Mac's are just UNIX for idiots.

    And Apple just makes stuff white people like.

    Are you a bit bored?
    That's all rubbish anyway. Apple has been a big player in the education market for decades. We had 10 in our school in Whakatane in 1983. Even non-white students used them. Who'da thunk?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Get over what? We disagree, and there are plenty of international companies, one of which I work for, running Macs, and iPhones successfully. Is that so impossible to imagine? And why do you have to be right? I don't care either way really.

    Sorry I didn't see all above comments, and thanks. Gio, drinks on me, if the chance arrives. You see I'm doing this on my iPhone while watching House on mysky. Boys really shouldn't multi-task.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    No it isn't. I send and receive docs, PDFs and xls files on my Iphone. I can read all of the above also. It uses a VPN to file share with my Linux server at work, iCal would sync with my workstation, if I could be bothered, but the calendar works fine. What else? It has helped me find clients using the GPS, which is fantastic, and the Stanley level means I can hang pictures straight. Sorry, that's not a work thing.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    There's quite a lot more of this ...

    Can I get a hell yeah from the starry-eyed loons please? I already liked Stephen Fry, now I think I'll reserve a special place in my iHeart for him too.

    Ever heard anyone say they love the iPhone as a Phone?!

    I love my iPhone as a phone, because since I got it I spend way less time on the phone, although that may be the driving rules also, and including my data plan, which allows all the online reading I want, I pay less than $90 per month, and on my old Sony it was $140 plus.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    I challenge anyone to do what I do with my HTC on an iPhone.

    Can you write a list, because having done just about everything on a PC and now doing most things I need to on my iPhone, I'd be keen to know what you do that I can't.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    Not that I don't enjoy talking, merely that given the times we live in, is it really that much of an outrage?

    Can I just be the first to say yes it is an outrage, and the only way to change the world in which we live is to do as Craig, Emma and others here have said, and not let injustice and ignorance stand. It is not pleasant, and not simple by any means, but it is worthwhile, and I am having a harder time forgiving myself for not getting the gloves on earlier than I am moving past the stupid things I said subsequently.

    There are people trying very hard to improve the vagueness of the law, or at least it's interpretation, and we would do them a disservice to gloss over any example, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere, that highlights the absolute abhorrent state of affairs for victims of sexual crime, IMhO.

    Which is why, in part, I got so emotional about it all.

    Can we do more than talk? Actually I realise, much to my disgrace, that for many this is doing more than talk. And as I am constantly reminded, we must not forget the silent reader.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    I'm doing my thesis on gender-mediated discourse around the text "pad".

    You could have a chapter on the speed with which ideas from twitter get merchandised. iMaxiPad is on a T-shirt already.

    And can I add, I just told my better half about this, and her immediate reply was 'Where are they meant to put it? That was a bunch of men'.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: Do Want?,

    Here I was trying to have a hiatus, and you go and start an Apple Love thread.

    I've been playing with them Apples since I was 13. After learning to programme sin waves on a ZX81, using tape disks, for various reasons I was fortunate enough to get my hands on one of the earliest Apple computers to have a mouse (they didn't invent it, but the MacIntosh was one of the first widely available computers to utilise it), and also the Apple Lisa. The latter was probably trying to multi-task as a ship's anchor, but I do recall it having an accessory that plugged in called a Tablet (I know!) which allowed you to draw pictures into Superpaint and I think even converted writing into text. But my logic board is a bit fuzzy today, so I might have been dreaming.

    Frankly I think 30 years is a bit too long for all this technology to reach the point it is in now, but that's the way the corporate world of IT works I suppose. My iPhone has changed the way I live, that's probably ridiculous, but it may be true. I can genuinely multi-task, in spite of statistical evidence to the contrary, and lunch time is now PAS catch-up time, and Tennis watching can coincide with reading online news.

    I run Windows XP under Parallels to operate MYOB on a Mac, which doesn't have a Multi-User Apple version, and it works fine, although I'd rather not have to. I've also been a Windows Server Administrator and provided IT support for a whole school on Windows 95, and then 2000 computers. If I never have to break into Dos and try and clean out a DLL corruption again, it will be too soon. The two world's don't have to be mutually exclusive, although some people seem to think they do. Mostly us starry-eyed loons I suppose.

    Umm, has anyone used iWhisperPad yet (I presume it's as silent as an iPhone)? And I was going to say they should change the Apps to iApplicator, but that was done on Twitter 12 hours ago. Hey, it's still day one, right?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    My partner asked me the other night why I do this, in general, argue with people who are never going to change their minds. And I said it's not about that person, the one who thinks they're progressing an argument by rewording a statement. It's about the silent people reading along who have thought, "You know, that's a good question, maybe that guy's got a point." Those people, you might be able to reach.

    And this was my hope also
    as I watched the thread unfold,
    and then it went on,
    and I lost hope,
    but you have just restored it,
    and now I'm feeling stupid,
    and I'll send you that email,
    because there is background also
    which might help explain things.

    And for some reason I felt like writing that as a poem.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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