Posts by recordari

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  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    Jack, you can't possibly be blaming Emma ('and co'! I want to be part of 'and co'!) because Angus' argument is crappy. It... sort of sounds that way, though...? I am confused.

    No Danielle, I am certainly not blaming any of the PAS core for Angus' arguments. He is solely responsible, although I haven't seen him taking responsibility yet. I'm sorry (again) if that was the inference.

    It would be nice if there was a mechanism for shutting down this thread killing nonsense before it turns into a slug fest, but that is the nature of the beast I suppose. And my over reaction (as I'm sure you're all thinking) was because in only a month I've seen half a dozen threads go down this track, and when it is started on a discussion about gang rape, well that's where I decided to draw the line. I'm sure it matters little in any case what I think, and here I am getting into a discussion I swore I wouldn't.

    So if you'll indulge me for a moment longer, here's what I went off to play on my guitar this morning after getting my little tirade off my chest.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    Which is why I drafted that comment three times before posting it, because I couldn't decide if I could be bothered continuing to go around in circles. Turns out I was too annoyed not to.

    Don't worry Megan, and yes it's Jack still, but for some reason reading this thread yesterday filled me with such rage and indignation it made me want to leave PAS altogether, so l cleaned my avatar and sat fuming in front of the tennis. And then I woke to more of the same, and I thought 'shit, what if someone is actually wanting some answers about this stuff'.

    This topic should not be used for the purposes of ignorant rantings and opinion based arguments, and I know Emma and co have the best intentions, but sometimes, and I would argue this is one of those times, the audience is just simply not up to it.

    Emma, my apologies for the intrusion, but if it is honesty you want from us, then this is me being honest. Wishing you all the very best.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    And Angus, before you reply to Megan (oh why has this gone on so long?) please know that you are embarrassing a whole gender, if not the entire species.

    1940 Alabama, with a Black man and a drunk as a case for your argument? What horse did you ride in on again?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    It seems a bit remiss to me that this has got to page six and no one, that I can see, has linked to the support services in case a reader needs some genuine help, instead of this indiscriminant blather.

    You can find Rape Crisis online here, and the legislation which outlines the actual definition of consent from the New Zealand Crimes Act 1961 is here. It is quite explicit on a number of areas covered above, including unconsciousness. There was also, although no doubt everyone just ignored it, quite a lot of discussion on consent in the report I posted earlier.

    Emma, I trust you've got your rage on now. I'm not sure how any of you think this is going to help, or constitutes 'doing your bit', but carry on.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Up Front: All Together Now,

    Emma, Danielle, Jackie et al. You guys are awesome, and are pretty much the reason I have any faith left.

    Can I just add the people (real ones even) who worked on the Taskforce for Action on Sexual Violence, including Louise Nicholas.

    The report itself is on the ministry website here. It seemed a little, well apposite, maybe?

    This thread has convinced me that I need a break from this, and hence I have withdrawn to elsewhere.

    All the best.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Cracker: Bare Breasts Key for Important…,

    Come to think of it, could someone graph the continuum of Incisive Journalism to Vaudeville with the declining presence, and then influence, of the amazing, IMhO, Carol Hirschfeld?

    Bring back Carol!
    [Insert chant here]

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Radiation: Big bang theory,

    A Brief History of Time by Errol Morris.

    Don't know where you got your quote from, because I said something completely different, as you can see ;-)

    Anypoo, off to Mars I go...

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Radiation: Big bang theory,

    I'm glad they made a movie about Stephen Hawking while he could still do it himself. If they cast Tom Cruise in the role (oh wait, he did a wheelchair role already) I'd have to move to Mars.

    Now, where are those guys with that rocket...

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    When will Goffs travel buddy, the SST be hit by its lack of Charitable Status?
    (smiles with glee) :)

    It's a cult, surely?

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

  • Hard News: We still died at each other's…,

    I don't believe prison should be enjoyable. Prison should be an unpleasant experience so offenders do not want to return.

    The justice system's sole focus should not be on punishment. It is very important to give people the opportunity to turn their lives around.

    But pressure from those who advocate for the rights of criminals has resulted in too much focus on rehabilitating the prisoners who are least likely to be rehabilitated.

    Oh, FFS! Think I might emigrate.

    You have to wonder whether she has even read any of the reports in our own Justice Ministry's online library. This approach doesn't work. It's not a question, it's a statement. It is a proven, and well-known fact. Am I missing something? Oh yeah, popular opinion and sensationalist legislating. Great basis for a criminal system, not.

    Grrrr. Better go to Good One and have a robust coffee before my head explodes.

    AUCKLAND • Since Dec 2009 • 2607 posts Report

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