Posts by FletcherB

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  • Hard News: The Wall and the Paper, in reply to giovanni tiso,

    I’m aware of that. I just don’t like it as a way of bringing about results. It gives a bigger voice to people who are wealthier – and who enjoy more rights already.

    I understand that objection.. but question how valid it is?

    If I write to you explaining why I wont be buying your product... you dont actually have any clue whether I was in a position to afford it in the first place do you?

    I think an advertiser inundated with mail like that will act far sooner, rather than waiting to see any changes in sales?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: About Arie, in reply to Alex Gilks,

    I’m very uncomfortable overall with the over-reporting of these pretty insignificant ‘looting’ stories, even on national radio. Of course some people will nick stuff. So what?

    The only stories on National Radio that I heard where the items being looted were mentioned (and thus, you could come to a conclusion on whether they were insignificant or not)... were for petrol-generators keeping cell towers and road-side exchanges going at a time when they had no power and their battery backup was dwindling.... in a city with thousands of people trying to contact one another to let them know they were OK, and a few calling for help from within crushed buildings...

    The lack of those generators would have caused a lot of emotional anguish for a large population of already distressed people, and at a stretch, maybe even have cost lives?

    Not what I'd call "insignificant" in the circumstances.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Floating the idea,


    fees for hydroslides and saunas can easily work side-by side with free entry to the pool…. you just need to pay for the brightly coloured bracelet that allows you entry to those sections.

    During the last term break, Lloyd Elsmore pool (Howick/Highland Park) even had a large obstacle course that cost $2 actually in the free pool.

    I do concur that you couldnt charge extra for the use of the wave-function which happens for a minute or so every 10-15 in the main recreational pool at Mt Albert and Henderson.

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's called "planning" for a reason,

    I've got nothing against trams (heck, I'm from Melbourne), and if is a foot in the door to something bigger and actually useful, then thats cool...

    but 1.5 km ? That IS a kiddie ride. I'd rather walk and keep my $2 or whatever it is they'll be charging...

    I hope it gets used enough to encourage extending it later though....

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Speaker: It's called "planning" for a reason,

    Speaking of planning...

    Did anyone know about This before it happened?

    Trams are expected to run on Auckland's waterfront by August in an $8 million project which saw the first modest section of tracks laid this week.

    And how much tram-way do you get for $8mill ?

    Sounds more like a kiddie ride than a public transport solution?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Behaving badly at the bottom…,

    I heard a rumour that turning up in a suit and tie was a good way to get yourself challenged by the defense... no idea if it's true?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit, in reply to Clint Fern,

    These 3 are not looking good at all over this.

    Who do you think IS looking good?

    AE/MEAA/CTU... proven liars and/or stupid, as well as spinning.
    Walsh/Jackson/Boyens... liars/spinning
    Nat Gov... spinning and folding to foreign interests.
    Warners... taking advantage of a position of power (who expects otherwise of a business?)

    Everyone covered in shit as far as I can see?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Dalziel Salon, in reply to Don Christie,

    No need for that mallarky. Send 3 infringement claims to his ISP and get him cut off. Bwahaahaahaa.

    Speaking of which.... a co-worker here in Auck just received one of these from his ISP.

    They are already in use!
    I'm not sure if this is old news that I've happened to miss, or if they are fresh on the nz tubes?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media 2011,

    Ultimately, what would be the actual point of rendering/kidnapping/dissapearing/assasinating Assange?

    The leaks are out, and at least the current batch, are continuing to come out, without him actually able to do anything personally.

    As far as I can tell, the justification for earlier renditions, illegal as they were, was to get more information and stop further terrorism. The US obviously believed the end justified the means?

    I dont think they need information from Assange?

    Do they think it will stop future, worse (more secret? more damaging?) stuff coming from Assange/wikileaks?
    Do they just want “justice” to be seen to be done (by doing something highly illegal)?
    Do they want it to serve as a warning to others who might consider doing similar?
    Just bloody minded revenge for what’s already done?
    To prove beyond all doubt that they are the mighty rulers of the world through force and have no care for legality and moral authority or acceptance and cooperation of those they can over-power?

    I have no doubt they could do it if they wanted… but I’m not sure even the US would see the out-come as worth the cost?

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

  • Hard News: Media 2011, in reply to James Butler,

    I only read him as implying it would be more likely to look bad to more people. Arguable, but very different to actually being worse.

    Thankyou James. yes, that is my meaning.

    Way more people are aware of Assange than Manning.

    And I also think a wider section of the ordinary non politicized populations of all western countries (at the very least) would find kidnapping a foreign national (accused of essentially, causing them embarrasment) from a different foreign nation (with or without the help of that nation, which help could not be publicly acknowledged even if offered)... way more internationally provocative than how they treat a US citizen arrested in the USA for actual Spying/treason/breach of security.

    I do not approve of torture of any sort, and I do agree that Mannings treatment amounts to such... but it seems to be psychological torture, not physical? (which is not OK, but possibly less bad?) It also seems only a small amount worse that what constitutes ordinary solitary confinement for run of the mill prisons in the USA according to recent doco's I've watched on TV1 (prisoner X). It's all fucken barbaric to me.. but it's obviously not enough to create world-wide derision.

    There are a reasonable minority of the world who view the USA as some world dominating laww-less despots who keep their position through violence. And others who see them as flawed but essentially OK world leaders/world police with several (many) regrettable issues that are not big enough to over-ride the general OK-ness.

    I think (hope) that Disappearing an Australian from Sweden that the whole world was watching might push the balance on that average view... from flawed but OK to not OK. I think whole populations would put pressure on their governments to no longer do business with the USA.

    I think that the USA would ostracize itself from the world with a maneuver like that?

    Gio- Do you think the US could get away with most people not caring, or do you think my whole take on western world opinion is wrong-headed, and they are already in this position? (or other?)

    West Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 893 posts Report

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