Posts by Danielle
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Most people that run this country (wealthy baby boomers) grew up not knowing anyone from different cultures and didn't travel much when they were young.
Is that statistically true? My anecdata gives a different impression, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything, of course.
Anyone of a certain age (say, 30s, early 40s), who liked Freaks and Geeks and who has a penchant for good 80s music (of the Replacements and Husker Du variety, although some 70s Nick Lowe and Big Star make appearances too) will probably like Adventureland. Very sweet, very funny.
Srsly, Jackie. If we have this argument again I will stab myself in the eye with the tines of a fork.
Also, Peter, I'm not entirely sure if you realise how annoyingly rude you're being to Craig. If he jokingly notes his waistline on a public forum, that is absolutely no reason to zero in on him with the latest freaking obesity research to tell him what he can and can't eat.
Sometimes when they touch
The honesty's too muchAre those lyrics the creepiest ever penned, or what? 'Sometimes I want to break you, want to bring you to your knees'. Um, OK. That's very tender and romantic.
Words that are seldom spoken, I suspect. ;-)
It'll be a 'long, cold night' before they're used again. Boom-tish. ;)
(3 or more years I think)
It's one year, and the reduction is from 25% to 15% on the 'basis', I think they call it. Don't ask me how I know this. :)
Favourite thing: every Autotune the News I've seen has at least one awesome 'shortayee' in it (usually directed at Katie Couric). Heh.
I like Cadburys. Yes, Lindt etc is better, but sometimes chocolate is chocolate. Of course, I have no real taste for many other Finer Things either (see also: wine), so I'm chalking it up to my fundamental flaws as a person. :)
What are the tasks that we should be discouraging?
I'm struggling to think of a job I've ever had that was a blind bit of use to anyone, in or out of the country.
and the advertising, trade show support etc they give their exporters makes us look like bloody amateurs
Don't tell me. Our stand at the trade show has a photo of the toothbrush fence and a folk-parody band playing, while the Aussies have a lot of hot chicks in bikinis?
I have just realised that I may combine all of my Film-Festival-going themes - douchebag, asshole, *and* batshit - in one film this afternoon, and that film is: Tyson.