Posts by Danielle
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We Godwinned a fashion thread? Now I've seen everything.
This is going to be like the shoes thing, but I have a collection of vintage coats. My favourite is a sixties a-line black wool with this extra fabulous ribbon trim around the collar and pockets ($40, This is Not a Love Shop, 1996). I have a scarlet wool one with GIANT red buttons, same vintage. I also have an aqua 60s coat with clearly *not* faux-fur collar (I'm going with the 'hell, it was already used when I bought it!' justification).
Actually, if I listed all the coats I currently own you would all look at me funny, so, um, yeah. Coats are awesome.
Ahem. I give you possibly my favourite poetic swearing line ever:
'I may have fucked my life up flatter than hammered shit, but I stand here before you today beholden to no human cocksucker.'
Thank you, Ellsworth from Deadwood. Thank you.
May I just say: for fuck's sake. I go away to Rotorua for the weekend, fail to keep completely on top of PAS, and you all bloody well have a legendary thread concentrating on Things Which Danielle Is All About, and I have only just discovered it. Christ.
The Muppet Show anyone?
Damn RIGHT. Any Muppet Show naysayer is going to have to meet me outside. And that includes people's underwhelmed kids. I will *cut you*, you jaded little sophisticates. ;)
I partially credit the Muppet Show with my musical education. I think they were so brilliant at using music hall *and* folk *and* rock *and* disco *and* the great American songbook. You never knew what you would hear next. And the band was rad. Bless those beardy stoners.
Also, I have been trying to remember - for literally YEARS - the name of Marianne Dreams . Andrew, you rock. That book scared the crap out of me.
I am too scared to rewatch Sapphire and Steel because I am still very easily frightened. Plus Joanna Lumley might inspire me to get that shaggy blonde bowlcut from the early episodes, because she is so awesome, and then I would look like an idiot.
a door mouse
I am imagining this. Is there a door mouse uniform? A little hat?
The idea of meaninglessness is itself meaningless.
Oh, a pox on all of you mature self-actualised beings, and your calm acceptance of everything. A pox, I say! :)
(However, in my new incarnation as a postmodern hippy dungbeetle, I have this little ball of shit over here I'll be working on, with Giovanni's blessing.)
annoying hippy drivel
God, the freedom! I'm getting high on the possibilities!
Russell, I need to report a nest of hippies in PAS. They've infiltrated, and they're taking over. (Also, I've had a moment of clarity: I think I might have to include myself in their number. Christ.)
Nothing would depress me more than the possibility that it was all part of a cosmic plan and that some god was behind it all.
Oh no no no, that *would* really suck, I agree.
Look. My brain wants there to be meaning; yet there is obviously no external source of meaning. These two things are incompatible, and it's just like that Star Trek episode where Kirk talks the floating robot into a paradox and it blows up.
Argh. I think I'm going to do some ironing and listen to Public Enemy.
to be really rather liberating
My husband says that too. Perhaps my ego is so massive that I can't bear to accept that my life has no larger significance. Heh. :)
You know what also bums me out? Scientists working out (for example) that music is just some weird evolutionary button-pressing, like we're all 'hardwired' (HATE that word) to like it, and it's totally predictable and means nothing. Can a sister keep just a bit of her joy and mystery while listening to an excellent Genius playlist, please? STFU, scientists!
Thus, my scientific-discovery-meter is firmly calibrated to 'lalalalala I can't hear you' on certain subjects.
I say we add 'Strange Fruit' to that playlist and ponder humanity's inhumanity to itself, along with our very existence's utter meaninglessness. Rad.
Possible documentary title: From Eczema to Existentialism: A Day in the Life of PAS
Christ. This is the most depressing thread-page in the history of PAS. :)