Posts by Danielle
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I believe it's spelled 'pendant'.
an exercise in radical chic that rationalised, or even treated as glamourous, the actions of killers
I don't know whether it was the filmmakers' intent, or if it's just my inherent bourgeois conformity expressing itself, but I started thinking the RAF were completely horrid about fifteen minutes into the film. They didn't appeal to me (apart from aesthetically) *at all*.
an arena where political prisoners had been housed under the stands
Yes. That made watching the Soul Power scenes dealing with the erection of the stage quite a weird experience.
It's a lot more complex than that.
Erm, yes. I was speaking more generally, not just about SDS. Also: kinda joking. (The Asshole/Douchebag Theory of Revolutionary Truebelievers, however, may - seriously - partly explain the second-wave feminist movement in the US. So it's got that going for it.)
Which raises the question of whether you're still a shore girl or a westie.
The 'which kind of Aucklander are you?' Facebook quiz informed me that I was a westie, and we know how reliable those things are.
(Anyway, I was born in Venezuela to a Cajun father and an Irish/Ngai Tahu mother. The Shore upbringing is the least of my problems. Heh.)
I was at the Baader-Meinhof film too (hi Rich!). I was surprised at how little I noticed the film's length, which is usually a good sign.
Lots of beautiful young things running around with not very many clothes on, and lots of guns.
Our post-film conversation to that effect:
Me: Man, all those revolutionaries were so hot! Surely all of them can't have been that attractive?
Husband: Yeah, I kept thinking "where did all these German models come from? And why are they so angry?"Kyle, I have a boiled-down, semi-serious answer to your larger academic question: there is always a significant proportion of true-believer revolutionaries who are either douchebags or assholes, and although these tendencies may initially be latent, the douchebaggery or assholery comes to the fore eventually, thereby undermining the movement's original goals. (I expect to be footnoted. Heh.)
Last night I saw Soul Power, the film of the Zaire 74 concert timed to coincide with the Foreman-Ali Rumble in the Jungle. It was rad. I will be embroidering 'GFOS' on all of my clothing with silver studs from now on, in a tribute to James Brown's denim jumpsuit.
(I've also seen Afghan Star and Thirst, but this post is quite long enough already.)
Tis true, lived here almost as long as in Auckland now.
You can take the boy out of the Shore, Kyle, but...
My personal reasons to buy a house:
1. No one will give you shit/refuse to rent to you for having a nice well-behaved dog.
2. No one will sell the place out from under you if your suburb becomes trendy.
3. You don't have to maintain any kind of 'relationship' with your landlord. The fewer extraneous people I have around to make polite chit-chat with the better. (See also: hairdressers.) Plus, I hate negotiating for things. 'Can I have a door on the bathroom?' (I actually had to ask for this once.) -
I have so far seen three documentaries in the People Who Are Kind of Batshit vein: Big River Man, a long-distance swim down the Amazon into the heart of darkness; The Best Worst Movie, a humourous tale of the cult rejuvenation of crappy horror flick Troll 2; and The Agony and the Ecstasy of Phil Spector, which... yeah. My favourite part was Spector taking credit for Martin Scorsese's entire career after the use of 'Be My Baby' in Mean Streets. That man is BONKERS. A genius, but mad as a snake.
Kyles from Otago
Argh. :)
having wandered around the bloody thing for at least 15 mins
Thank god it isn't just me being a moron. I have had some dreadfully disorienting experiences in that carpark.