Posts by Danielle
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140 times more likely to go on to use hard drugs
Since most users of 'hard drugs' use them recreationally, and tend to give them up without ever becoming addicted, I'm not sure what that statistic proves, really...
'let us smoke pot crowd'
We gather in crowds? I thought we were all too lazy to leave the couch. :)
100% of you cocaine dollar funds murderous criminal gangs
Well, not *quite* 100%. The low-level dealers to whom people pay their money are unlikely to be murderous, surely. It's bad for business at that end of the chain.
‘Delta Dawnn, wots that flau-wa you have on…'
Wow. My lifelong fondness for massive 70s country-pop hits is explained by this. I was brainwashed at a young age!
So weird: I was just listening to the Singing Detective OST this morning. Yeah, as far as 'films about debilitating skin conditions' go, that's the last word. (The only word?)
Buying cocaine is directly supporting the murderous criminals who control coca production. Putting petrol in my car is not akin to supporting the US invasion of Iraq.
OK, try another one. That coltan ore they mine using dubious labour practices in the D.R. of Congo, which is used to make our cellphones and computers and gaming consoles, and which causes health problems for the miners, many of whom are children, and which has basically funded a massive war with millions dead. Are we culpable? I think we are, right? Or are we not culpable, because the electronics-manufacturing companies we buy from, and the governments under whose regulations they operate, made 'policy choices'?
In other words, how many degrees of separation from the crooks do consumers have to be before we aren't guilty?
I have no idea what the answer to that is, but I really hope it doesn't involve Kevin Bacon. :)
I personally really rate the Wiggles as one of the better franchises.
I'm just saying: Yo Gabba Gabba. It is rad. Biz Markie teaches you how to beatbox.
Just because the world sucks doesn't mean you can't start *somewhere*.
You're right, you're right. I think watching King Leopold's Ghost last week caused some kind of disturbance in my force. Good christ on a bike, that was dispiriting.
If commissioning murder, torture, slavery, civil war, corruption and deforestation is not a crime, what is?
Hmmm. Yeah, OK, probably true, but aren't there a lot of goods we rich westerners buy which cause suffering elsewhere? Example: isn't oil similar? It indirectly causes wars, corruptions, environmental damage, all manner of things. It's just more useful to us as a society than cocaine, so we mostly ignore the dodgy parts. We're all complicit, we're all hypocrites, we're all corrupt. (Oh, also, the world is doomed and people suck. Happy Thursday!)
I remember the immense relish with which all my classmates did the 'weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'll drinkadrinkadrink' part. They fell down a bit on the verses though.
state-sanctioned pedagogical grooviness
The seventies were (was. I hate that agreement rule) a decade in which everyone made some vague attempt to be groovy. My grandad even grew sideburns to go with his walk shorts.
(It's too soon to 'rediscover' Neil Diamond, right? I'm all alone in thinking he wrote some good songs? 'I'm a Believer'! That's a good song!)
I saw Neil Diamond! At the Houston Rodeo. He was actually kind of great, with a knowing cheesiness. And leather pants.