Posts by Russell Brown

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  • Hard News: Music: All this and some…, in reply to Simon Grigg,

    Edit: just noted a newish embed link on the FB vid page so the above may be superfluous.

    I hadn't seen that. Good.

    And yes, I know a lot of it is already around, but the quality of the digital captures is impressive.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: On tour with The Boss, in reply to Alan Perrott,

    ha, didn’t read the blurb and thought it was about Springsteen.

    How you like my clickbait game now?

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Music: All this and some…, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    Rock Theatre, Wellington (behind the Trades Hall), a 1980 concert (February maybe) with The Swingers – filmed for Radio With Pictures, I think…

    I knew you'd know!

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Polity: On tour with The Boss,

    Hi folks. This should have been Rob's first post under his own masthead, but I didn't quite get that together. (In my defence, I was busy writing about UN process and that shit is complicated.)

    It will of course contain the disclaimer you've all been sweating on. Although I think it's fairly clear from this post who Rob works for :-)

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Access: The Blue Inhaler,


    Here's an intriguing example of the ubiquity of the blue inhaler. Looks like a Ventolin-equivalent generic, right?

    It's actually the PuFFIT weed vapouriser, for people who might wish to get high in public with attracting undue attention. Available for $249 locally.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Access: The Blue Inhaler,

    I had bronchial issues for most of my childhood, so I, too, was a Ventolin kid.

    That and the one with a propeller mechanism – you put in a capsule of some medicated powder, pulled the sleeve to crack the capsule and inhaled the powder. It was less fun than it sounds.

    I don't need an inhaler now, although there's generally one around the house, just in case.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio being made, in reply to Sacha,

    you what? more details please

    Okay, not his clipboard, but the piece of paper with his pre-prepared note of what he was going to say when Lomu scored a try:

    Of course many New Zealander now associate the TV commentary on that game with an 'infamous' verbal stumble I made. Even in 2015 I had to repeat the story on the TV1 news to 'explain' once more how the most-played broadcast I ever did happened.

    As I recall the story goes like this; Somehow in the lead up to that semi-final I had an inner inkling that Jonah would score an impressive try somewhere in the game. I therefore pre-planned to be ready with an appropriate ‘headline’ piece of commentary to cover the scoring of such a try.

    Plenty of broadcasters use this visualistation technique. For me, I saw what I thought was a pertinent verbal premonition when I jotted down the expression ‘all muscle and pump’ from an American magazine I had been reading. Another writer’s description of a big American basketball player was therefore filed into my mental ‘system’ for use when Lomu’s moment would come. I even tore off a small piece of paper, wrote the quote on it, and attached it to my match notes via a paper clip.

    But the greatest of the four Lomu tries in that game took me completely by surprise. I suppose I expected to glance at my great quote sometime in the middle of the game, or at the end. Whatever, I did not expect Lomu to go crashing for the line, brushing over the top of several feeble English defenders in just the third moment of action. When the giant set off carrying the ball in his famous run, I glanced at my notes. But the pre-prepared clipping was not there! It had fallen somewhere. So, distracted, I could only utter “Lomu…oh…oh…’ on the sound track as he scored.

    I was initially wild with myself at the cockup but as it has become my trademark piece of commentary in the 20 years since I have come to love it actually. So what the heck I’ll claim it as one of my best moments at the microphone!

    Just keep it quiet folks, that it came from a complete stuff-up.

    The irony is that Quinn would habitually regurgitate this stuff he'd prepared earlier and it often sounded weird and didn't work.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio being made, in reply to Rosemary McDonald,

    And that Lomu…Oh! Lomu! try?

    To be fair, that was a TV commentary. It came out that way because Keith Quinn's clipboard fell off his knee at the crucial moment.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Radio being made, in reply to James Littlewood*,

    Campbell on Checkpoint, on radio, has an opportunity to only cut to pictures if there are any worth showing. And – as every other RNZ presenter always does – let the audience know when there are good pictures there to be looked at.

    There's a middle-ground medium there, and they did a bit of it yesterday – you can illustrate audio for people looking, without detracting from the experience of the listener.

    Reporters will want to get good at sending pictures, and producers at processing them. And broadcasting schools better at teaching this stuff.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

  • Hard News: Bowie, in reply to Ian Dalziel,

    …not only that,
    he killed him off a year too early!

    Ha! That went right past me.

    Auckland • Since Nov 2006 • 22850 posts Report

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