Posts by Danielle
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Maybe she means Auckland's new Lord Mayor?
Also, Mortlock is a centre, he most certainly doesn't scrum down.
I was going with 'scariest-looking Australian rugby player' though. Because it's an Eeeeeevil Scrum, you know?
the evil scrum of this earth
Snerk! Who's that big Aussie rugby player? Mortlock? He can be part of The Evil Scrum of this Earth.
I'm calling my relationship 'opposite marriage' from now on. Miss California opened my eyes.
Oh Alastair, that clip was fabulous.
I'm now inspired to break out my Definitive Abba collection. Fuck they were awesome.
(This Abba-related thread must be like kryptonite to Giovanni. Heh.)
Abba turned down one billion dollars to reform, didn't they?
(I know they're almost irrelevant to the point of the piece, but yowza, that's a lot of dosh to pass up.)
Is there a reverse draft?
Now *that* I would watch! 'Oi. You. Shitty player. Bugger off to the Utah Jazz.'
There are plenty of reasons to be cautious about the quesadillas
If you were talking about the Mexican Cafe, fair enough. Like Rangitoto College, nothing good has ever come from that place. But Mexicali is perfectly clean and serviceable. And it has a bottomless salsa bar! (It's no Mexican Specialties in Ellerslie, but nothing is.)
I'll have ex-Rangitoto College principal Peachy worked in by the time you get back from lunch.
I'll say it: no good has ever come from that school.
(Apart from you and me, Kyle. And Jackie.)