Posts by Danielle
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I officially declare 'Blue Monday' The Worst Possible Song To Listen to While on Acid.
(It is a top choon, generally. Just not in those circs. Um, so they tell me.)
The Katie Couric part, in particular, is genius. I am slightly afraid of how compelling the news is when autotuned.
A vocoder just makes the voice sound robotic.
No one wants me to embed Frampton Comes Alive up in here, do they? DO THEY?
Heh. Earlier this morning I thought 'I must write a "snerk" in response to Amy's post'. But then I forgot. Are you my institutional memory, Lucy?
There's just that small matter of:
four years of tertiary studyPffft. Four years is nuttin'. I've been in tertiary study for... lessee... 12 and a half years of my life. (OMG, that's one third of it. I feel ill.) I have squillions of letters after my name. I just keep getting degrees or diplomas in stupid shit that no one cares about/wants to pay me for using. :)
they're unlikely to be taking home much more than $100k themselves
I suppose I'm the only person 'round these parts who thinks that's quite a lot of money?
Righto then. As you were. :)
I adore both Coronation Street and Antiques Roadshow . Does this mean that I am an old soul?
(I read something at some point about Coro saying that it had a surprisingly large number of younger women viewers, in their 20s and 30s. Hmm.)
First thing Mick Jagger said was for everyone to please turn off their cell phones now.
I don't even remember that. I was too busy trying not to tip off the 90 degree-angled hillock upon which I was sitting. I was also recovering from my Nickelback-induced nausea.
Vaughn, I am speechless. I am also salivating. Basically, I look almost exactly like my own dog right now.
he ate Turducken at Thankgiving (turkey, stuffed with duck, stuffed with chicken
Eating turducken is one of my life's ambitions.
Oh, so they are on the list then?
To be fair, the Western Springs hill is so steep that anyone with mobility issues would never be on it anyway. (Which is a whole other problem, I suppose.)