Posts by Danielle
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Wow. I was on the tennis at the time and didn't actually catch it till now. That's pretty much indefensible.
I just watched it myself. Literally jawdropping.
Most of the time I play up the 'Australian cricketers suck' rivalry thing for a joke, but that is *appalling*.
Who mentioned the Mazengarb report? What a beat up that was.
But OMG! The teens in Lower Hutt, they were sexing!
I already want to nominate 'it's knowledge bro' as The Phrase of the Year, 2009.
andin. I do not know how - or why - my dumb joke about Dee Snider managed to insert that bug so far up your ass, but I have been awake since 2.30am, and I have this thing? Called a last nerve? And you're on it.
This just in: andin is a HUGE Twisted Sister fan! Sorry man. Didn't mean to harsh on anyone's love for The Snider.
In other Over-Explaining a Joke Kills It Dead news: I was just being all Generation X-referencey about the PMRC hearing in which Dee Snider featured prominently, despite the fact that his band was hugely, hugely inoffensive and kind of cartoony, and all the American politicians were totally square, daddy-o. And Dee Snider wouldn't be part of any hip-hop related hearing like that nowadays. Because his band is 30 years old. And glam-metal. And was never very threatening anyway. So me saying that was supposed to be deliberately ridiculous. Ho ho ho, etc. Oh, god, never mind. <headdesk>
I think the word Craig was looking for is "touché".
Zing! Yeah, Giovanni, that was awse. :)
Can't you critique the uglier aspects of popular culture without being some dingbat neo-Puritan
Yeah, of course, but your initial post oversimplified everything about hip-hop and what it means and why it's popular. It just sounded... Tipper-esque. Sorry.
hey, if you're A-OK with music where a woman's place is on her back with her legs open (though she's a gold-digging slut if she obliges) be my guest
That's a really reductionist view of hip-hop, and it kind of sounds like you don't listen to it much. Plus, since I can think more than one thing simultaneously, I just have to accept that some music, or painting, or television, or film, or fiction, makes me morally or ethically uncomfortable because it has the 'wrong message', while nevertheless being artistically valid.
(On the other hand, I could just be a plain old bad feminist for liking Ludacris.)
Mr Beyonce who get rich off selling casual bigotry and romanticising drug abuse and crime
No, I am afraid that is incorrect. Jay-Z got rich because he is *fucking awesome*. :)
Also: Craig wants Obama to be Tipper Gore. Please, no more Dee Snider speeches in front of House Committees! I couldn't bear it.
The beautiful, beautiful bit by George Carlin about the language of football versus the language of baseball immediately springs to mind.
Hee. I was reading Jake's post, and I was all 'I'm going to have to pipe in with that George Carlin bit here', but you did it for me!
Just like in test cricket -- and of course both of these sports have roots beyond the industrial age.
I'd argue that baseball, despite having roots beyond the industrial age, really only became 'America's sport' by dint of the way its parks were built within easily accessible city neighbourhoods, poising it to become a part of the early twentieth century's obsession with different forms of urban mass leisure and entertainment (like amusement parks). A happy confluence.
the other part comes from a simply lack of familiarity
Trust me: I am familiar with this game. I am married to someone who owns a set of Houston Texans tumblers. I'm afraid I just don't like it that much. (Apart from TD celebrations, big brass bands, and announcers losing their shit.)