Posts by Danielle
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To which I say: 'artistic temperament' is not an excuse for being a complete douchebag.
If someone pisses a star off for even half an hour that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, so it's important that the stars let people know what pisses them off, in no uncertain terms.
I have heard this a lot about the Bale thing, and I find it completely gobsmacking. I've had plenty of horrid outbursts in life myself, but there's a difference between a blowup and a prolonged attack. Sorry, but you just. don't. talk to people like that unless they're, like, *Hitler* or something. That is absolutely crazy! 'It's going to cost us money so I get to be an asshole'? Who's running this shit, Gordon Gecko?
It might happen a lot, but it's not justifiable.
I've heard the kind of ragging he was doing in countless professional settings.
Note to self: never work with Ben. :)
New Orleans? Is that still there?
Heh. My Dad is still there, and I just found out that his most recent business venture is making little boats for people. I assume that's so they don't drown next time...
a wee bit of context
I've read all that stuff too. I'm sorry, even if the DP was being an unprofessional douche, there is absolutely no excuse for that level and length of freakout. It's not OK!
I don't know why 'some people had a reasonably but not totally awesome democratic election after hundreds of thousands of them were killed and millions of them were displaced by a war waged under false pretences' is suddenly a reason for you to wrap yourself in glory, dude.
labeling this shirt
Coincidentally, my *current* Facebook status update is 'Danielle and Christian Bale are done, professionally'! I am the zeitgeist. Or completely unoriginal...
the RevoLucian remix of the leaked Christian Bale nutting-off tape is awesome
Heh. My Facebook status update last night was something like 'Danielle just danced around the house to the Christian Bale freakout remix'.
'What don't you FUCKING understand... bleep blip bloop oonst...'
Breitbart wants to beat it at its own game by hiring some cool Hollywood right-wingers to write for his new site
This kinda reminds me of Thomas Frank's theory in The Conquest of Cool. That admen not only coopted 'coolness' from Teh Youth in the early 60s, but actually also created some of that coolness with their ads - it was a dialogue between the two parties, rather than an imposition from 'above'. ( Although in this case it seems that they'd prefer *not* to have a dialogue. Dialogues are for commies!)
I can't get over how much this thread rocks. I wish I could think of anything half as good as these.
I also wonder if this could get meta, if someone brought it to the Herald's attention? 'David Haywood's Parody of Your Views - Your Views'.
Resentful (Dannevirke)
It's all very well for these chardonnay socialists to sit up there in their ivory towers mocking us average Kiwis. Russell Brown has never been the same since he left Timaru anyway.
do I hear secateurs snipping in the poppy patch? Who knows where anyone gets inspiration for their work - probably all over the place
I really don't have a problem with her filmmaking (apart from that 80s short where all the girls sing about how cold they are with that hilarious electro-drum sound. It was like a film-school version of 'Send Me An Angel'). No, I have a problem with her using a really significant number of elements from that novel, but not acknowledging said use. I feel like it's too much to just be an 'inspiration'. Although IANAL...
I haven't seen it since it first came out, and I'm wondering if it's aged that well. But in any case, I can't believe she got away with winning a 'best original screenplay' Oscar...
to veer teh conversation away from romance novels
Well, since I'm now reading the 1920 novel The Story of a New Zealand River (discussed in the holiday reads thread), I'd just like to note two things.
1. Jane Campion should be ashamed of herself.
2. On one page, there is a distinct suggestion of... frottage. Oo-er.