Posts by Danielle
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I kinda love that Ben is actually taking issue with something on the sixth page of a Your Views parody thread. :)
the clock has been turned back a thousand years for women
Oh Russell, don't be so silly. James knows that 'human cost' and 'human rights' are not umbrella terms which actually include *women*. That would be ridiculous.
Bumpkin Abroad
I am immensely tickled by this.
They fall open at those pages, though. Have I said this recently in another thread? I feel like I have.
Gareth, you little beauty! Ask, and I did receive. :)
Matthew, that was far too well punctuated. I don't see a comma out of place. ;)
I feel as though we're missing a key Your Views sub-genre: the ones who blame any given problem on solo mothers.
someone mentioning BSG
Pffft. He'll always be the singer of 'Ringo' to me.
Is Knowledge Bro the PAS superhero, perhaps?
(Don't worry, 3410. My Obamicon contained a comma.)
Apropos "it's knowledge bro" t-shirts: I'd want a posterised Lincoln illustration along with the slogan.
Proof that I am a nerdlinger: I just created an Obamicon with a picture of Lincoln and 'it's knowledge bro' on it.
Query regarding de-pimping: what happens if you take a big-assed spoiler off a Honda Civic hatchback? Does it lose speed immediately?
And mugs. We need mugs.
If I have a Chemical Brothers mug in my pantry (and I do, from a show I saw in the 1990s! It was so incongruous I had to buy it), we should be able to have PA mugs, dammit. Someone make it happen!
(I'm hanging out for 'it's knowledge bro' to get printed on something I can buy, too.)