Posts by Danielle
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I wish I could just be a person who happened to be married to another person, and might or might not become a parent to another person. Sheez.
"It's not the drinking, it's how you're acting like a total whore."
It's bad that I totally LOLed then, right?
I say that's Craig's Awesome Line of the Month, myself.
Cut him a little slack Danielle. I don't think it was meant as "she provoked me so I had to beat her".
Perhaps not. But you know that 'dogwhistle' theory, where people say things that resonate on a certain frequency with people attuned to hear them? That post was chocka with them. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Just out of interest, what ads are out there with a clear focus on females with regard to behaviour or thought process?
B got most of those public service ones, but the commercial ads which stress the Important Killing of Germs spring to mind for me. If you don't wipe this down your FAMILY WILL GET DISEASES and it'll be ALL YOUR FAULT, you bad mother! Etcetera.
it's just big dumb fun, made for no other reason than to get off your tits and bounce around to
But I love big dumb fun! Why did they make me stabby?
I am not generally someone who posts before reading things thoroughly, Sacha. I've read that post about 10 times and I'm still irritated. This is stuff you hear a *lot* in feminist webspace from unsympathetic commenters. Two sides to every story, takes two to tango, frustration, helplessness, 'goading' into violence, anecdata about how a woman they know 'sought out' violence so it was really her problem, let's not get bogged down in statistics... anyone up for a round of MRA bingo?
men have poured out their feelings of utter frustration and helplessness at the behaviour of their partner goading them towards violence
The thread only hit page three before getting one of these posts? Yeesh.
On the 'goodbye to Bush' tip, I rather liked David Letterman's farewell to his Great Moments in Presidential Speeches segment:
They were cemented into a blindly feminist position of "women good, men bad".
Oh yes. Because that's *exactly* what feminism is about. FEH.
I get weirdly cranky about pseudo-bagels
That is not weird *at all*. The pseudo-bagel is most annoying.
I hate 'Cajun chicken salad'. For one thing, Cajuns don't eat salad, and for another, sprinkling Masterfoods Cajun spice (which is, admittedly, perfectly serviceable in making other Cajun foods) on chicken does not make 'Cajun chicken'. Bah.
Heh. We drove 4kms to Ellerslie to have a post-BDO beverage at a friend's house, got out of the car and said 'what's that? Is that still The Prodigy? Holy crap!'
If it was a gorgeous pregnant person with black 50s inspired hair, big white sunglasses and a long black floral sundress.
Yes! That was her! Actually my friend turned to me and said 'look at that styley pretty pregnant lady!'
I covet her hair a lot, but it seems like it might be a lot of work, and I'm lazy. :)