Posts by Danielle
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That's Educating Rita in a nutshell.
I say Pygmalion with a little touch of A Star is Born: talented older drunkard goes into decline, power relationship changes, couple grows apart...
Well, yes, that's true: once something becomes part of your speech patterns you use it unwittingly. But I think you make a choice to adopt things for your own ends, at least initially.
I think my own language patterns are a strange hodge-podge of posh NZer, kiwi-bloke-ism, American southern-isms, American-stonerisms, American hiphopisms, some Maori phrases, some French or Cajun phrases, Coronation Street-isms, and random pick-and-go. I imagine most people in NZ have a range of language influences... it's interesting. <strokes chin ponderingly>
Oh Kebabette, I love that Neon Neon album!
fave gig: first Sharon Jones and the Dapkings soulfest at Womad
Agreed. That was incredible - probably the closest I'll get to seeing something like the Stax Revue (barring the invention of a gig-going time machine). I also really enjoyed Mavis Staples, particularly when she was all 'and this was Dr King's favourite song of ours' and I thought 'OMG, I am standing 50 feet from someone who was *friends with MLK*. Holy shit'.
I also really liked the Phoenix Foundation at the zoo. And LCD Soundsystem at the BDO. And Kraftwerk. And the New Pornographers. Plus this is the coming summer of shows! Big Day Out (Neil Young!), Fleet Foxes, Stereolab, Neil Finn and Every Musician in the World... I'm pleased.
Aha, the deliberateAmericanism. It takes on a whole new light.
Most people who use 'Americanisms' (whatever they are) do so deliberately. It's not like the borg took over our brains and forced us to exclaim 'dude!' at regular intervals.
That division - call it Highway Patrol perhaps - should be plainly seen to be separate - separately commanded and with different-coloured vehicles and uniforms, preferably black and white.
I shall only support this measure if Erik Estrada is involved in some way.
What does anyone do with a history degree now anyway?
Become a librarian. Sigh.
I don't remember those tests, Kyle. But that doesn't mean they didn't happen. My memory: iz not so grate, aksually.
I just remember it was something I already knew. I was utterly furious.
This is just about the cutest story ever. Awww.
Oh, I forgot to answer the question. Rangi, 1988-1991 (no seventh form - I skipped it, much to my teachers' disgust). We called it wagging and I think I did it occasionally in the last year of school, which was the annus horribilis. Lots of authority-questioning (my side) and weird power trips (teachers' side). I was a high achiever in everything except maths.
it's simple pragmatism Danielle, would you like a speeding ticket or would you prefer to be arrested? I don't respect the officer, but I pay him respect as the situation required.
That's not respect. That's fear.
giving due respect to authority figures whether they deserve it or not is mandatory
Um, ew.
Caveat: To feel awesome you do need to put in sometimes. Hard. Harder than everyone. And come up with the goods.
Hm. Libraries as high-pressure work environments requiring coming up with 'goods': not so much. I must just be a slacker, but without the awesome part. :)