Posts by Danielle
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Giovanni, snap. :)
His plans? Remind me who the Prime Minister elect is again, Danielle. I don't think it's Roger Owen Douglas.
He wasn't Prime Minister before, either. He's still one scary dude.
I just heard Roger Douglas on NatRad cheerfully talking about his plans for new 'efficiency in government'. I got horror-movie chills.
Also, I would like Robyn to liveblog my life.
Craig, I bet you won't bump into John Key at Peter Grimes.
Remember, his favourite film is Johnny English.
Our main strengths as a nation are food production and scenery? That went into the speech? On purpose?
Someone on TV3 (who *is* that person?) just told John Campbell that National wouldn't want to be 'messing around with hui' in making any agreements with the Maori Party. Um, dismissive much?
Half a huge margarita down. It isn't helping.
The final kick in the nuts. Roger fucking Douglas.
Word. (Except I don't have any nuts.) I was driving my mother home from my grandfather's 90th birthday dinner (since we're talking about it: roast pork, new potatoes, apple pie and custard for dessert) and heard a gleeful Rodney Hide on NatRad talking about the 'important role' Douglas was going to play in the new government. I shall now vomit.
(Plus I now live in a *National* area? Who do I blame for the swing - the yuppie lifestyle blockers in Oratia?)
I'm going to have a sad, sad margarita now.
I voted at Oratia Primary School, which was looking extra pretty this morning with its views of the Waitakeres. Pleasantly ticking over but not busy - the whole thing took me about two minutes. Yay. I said to the official person ticking off my name that he must be incredibly accurate with a ruler (seriously, those name lists are in a TINY font!); he laughed and said he's an expert.
I'm feeling sanguine about the results for the moment. I just had a divine lunch at Mexican Specialties in Ellerslie, and it's my grandfather's 90th birthday today. New Zealand feels nice. :)
Yeah but the fun part is watching the crazies out froth each other as the pro and anti Palin camps go after each other. I've spent a day rummaging through it all. It truly rocks.
Argh! The weight of all the reading and video-watching and general interweb-experience related to this election is crushing me! I need to quit my job or something.
My husband didn't initially believe the Africa thing was true, but he's come around. I believed it from the get-go. Nothing about Palin surprises me. She is so totally incurious and blinkered.
(As I wrote that, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks just how close she came to being in the top job. Wow, that is terrifying.)
It's called sentimentalism.
<shrug> I'm sure there's plenty of that around too. I'm frankly not sure where the line is drawn, or how you get to be the person that makes that call, or even if it matters. If sentimentalism makes people act slightly less like dickheads to each other, I'm all for it. Just call me Marianne Dashwood.
Way to harsh the mellow, though!