Posts by Danielle
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Actually, I'm rather taking offence at my fellow posters being derided as 'US wannabes' when it might just be that they're actively engaged in analysing something they find interesting.
Besides, you've just dissed US voters for being brainwashed *and* New Zealanders for being brainwashed too. I'm not sure who's actually exempt, at this point, but I appear to be getting it from both ends. ('That's what she said', etc.)
Danielle,why are you always so angry?
I'm not sure. When did you stop beating your wife again?
I can't imagine why I am responding in seriousness to someone who actually called me 'a shrew' (what is this? Shakespearean Insult Day?), but I am an American voter and I have an American passport as well as a New Zealand one, dude, so you might want to rethink that part of your post.
and no disrespect to to Obama; he has great teeth and and has said the right words.
So, actually, plenty of disrespect to Obama then.
I'm just left with kind of in awe of how successful the wires and wirelesses have been in turning the droves into US drones.
Mmmm, yummy, the Disinterested Observer Who Is Above It All, Unlike the Rest of You Brainwashed Plebs. Haven't had one of those for a while.
Also we may be feeling a whole lot less jubilant on Saturday.
Lalalalalalala I can't hear you.
Craig gets to be jubilant twice! Damn your eyes, Ranapia!
Tiso: The Predictatron! Good work sir.
Obama also eats doughnuts. Made of *babies*.
James, where have you been? We missed you! :)
(I forgot to say in my last post: Prop 8. Total bummer. And several other states passed similar measures? Ack.)
I didn't think his speech was lame at all. But I am a 100% sentimental sucker for any 'little old Af-Am lady voting' story. That is just waterworks city.
My husband reminded me that Jesse Jackson was on the balcony with Dr King when he got shot at the Lorraine Motel in 1968. To see him last night in the crowd with tears in his eyes... that was incredible.
Also, like Gareth said, quoting Sam Cooke? Class.
Texas has a really interesting breakdown
Forgive me this county-based minutiae rant - personal ties to these places - but I liked looking at the map for Texas: Houston (Harris County), Austin (Travis County), Dallas (Dallas County, duh) and San Antonio (Bexar County) are all blue, being filled as they are with African-Americans, students, godless heathen urbanites and Teh Gayz - but look at those border counties down the bottom there! The Latin@ vote out in force for Obama? Plus Beaumont (Jefferson County, on the right) making an Obama run too? I'm pretty stoked about the movement to the Dems in Texas. They've gained several percent since 2004.
Urban areas in Louisiana are blue too. Unsurprisingly, poor folks in New Orleans would rather not be abandoned to their fate in future hurricanes.
That's one powerful lineage we're talking about - the struggle of centuries, of slaves and lynchings, of untold thousands of lives sacrificed, of segregated schools and buses, of stirring calls to dream a better future, of riots in Watts and South-Central, of any means necessary, and now being able to see a face like yours in charge
Yes, this. (So nicely written, Sacha.) I think that's what's actually affecting me the most.