Posts by Danielle
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Does anyone know if the live Daily Show coverage is going to be screened here? C4?
My Sky schedule showed the Daily Show coming on at its usual time of 10.30 tonight, but lasting an hour.
1pm! Oh man, that's so many hundreds of minutes away...
I know! But I am comforting myself with heartwarming 'I voted and the lines were five hundred miles long at 6am!' democracy in action stories. And the most recent pics on Flickr tagged Election2008.
There is also a rather large, meanspirited part of me that wants to be able to approach Sarah Palin (and her speechwriter) and say 'you know what won this election? Community organising!' Then flip the bird at them and run away.
Insane US Election Nerd Alert: I woke up at 5am worrying about the exit polls. Oh yes.
The tiny village of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire voted at midnight and went 15-6 to Obama; it hasn't gone Democrat since the 60s. Please be a harbinger!
I just want to give that title pun some love. Heh. Nice work.
there's always pon farr...
He has to return to Hawaii and fight a rival to the death every time he wants to knock boots with Michelle? That could get costly on Air Force One.
Well, fuck it Ms. D. I am through jumping at shadows, and empowering the worse demons of our nature with fear.
Right on! In a logical part of my mind, I totally agree. (But if you don't mind, I'll be over here knocking on wood and throwing salt over my shoulder and making sure my umbrellas are closed inside and my shoes aren't on a table. I may also utilise the Giovanni remedy, if necessary.)
I've embraced the impending win
Zip! Zip! Nay! Don't say it out loud! I've decided that this is like sports: you can jinx your team by being overly confident. Evil little spirits are hovering over us, gaining strength with every assumption about tomorrow we make!
(Yes, I am weird and superstitious and properly belong in a less scientifically enlightened past era. I know this.)
I think quite a few photographers are going for the JFK vibe, too. Has anyone linked to this series? Some of them are amazing.
I'm cheering myself up with these lovely pics.
It really helps that they're all so beautiful. Aesthetic appeal goes a long way in modern politics...
Never underestimate the ability of the American electorate to break your heart.
Amy, you're now actively angling for me to have a nervous breakdown, aren't you?
Obama bin Biden
Cocaine's a hell of a drug. </Rick James>
I am a ball of stress with all this election anticipatoriness (not a word, but roll with me here). I think I'm going to have some kind of freakout soon.