Posts by Danielle

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  • Field Theory: Send in the clowns,

    Well, I never liked Seinfeld, the character. He was just an unfunny cipher with terrible dress sense. That show was really all about the wonderment that was George. (And some Elaine. With tiny doses of Kramer.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Send in the clowns,

    In fact one of my favourite characters is a crazy Scottish innkeeper.

    Oh, I forgot about him! I'm sad that he disappeared. 'Ask me on a Monday, I'll say yeeeeeeeessss!'

    The one I can't quite handle is the puking racist snob lady. I think I have too much sense-empathy or something, and she makes me feel a bit nauseous. Blurgh. I was never too crash hot with that pie-eating contest scene in Stand By Me, either.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Random Play: Modern Life is Rubbish,

    corporate style at the expense of sounding sensible to normal human beings

    Yes. And let's just add corporate-speak in general. When a table in Word becomes a 'matrix', and some basic research becomes an 'environmental scan', and everyone's job title is five words long and still fails to describe what it is they actually *do*, it's all too much to be borne. I was forced to do some 'management' class this semester and was so enraged by the textbook's profound stupidity that I had to be mildly drunk during all the classes. Luckily it was distance learning. :)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Random Play: Modern Life is Rubbish,

    Part of me asks what the hell kind of person is entertained by watching people regularly being reduced to hysterics?

    Me me me. I love those shows because you'll often get a ten-year-old kid commenting on the action more maturely (and more hilariously) than either of his or her parents. Actually, in general, I think what I love so much about reality television is not the predictable nature of a show's premise and how it plays out (or is manipulated to play out): it's those unexpected moments of 'real' reality, when a kid will make a weird face or a person will show a flash of wry self-awareness, or someone will rant crazily about something you never *dreamed* they'd mention, or use a completely nutty figure of speech you've never heard before. Basically, I'm always looking for something that makes me pause the MySky and laugh incredulously.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Random Play: Modern Life is Rubbish,

    I watch it out of the corner of my eye, cos I quite like some of the families who get fab new houses.

    Oh, I have cried like a child at some of those families getting somewhere nice to live. Particularly if they were in a leaking rat-hole before. But even as I cry, my seething hatred of Ty Pennington is always there in the background. :)

    While I'm here, let me just bitch about some more things.

    About 75% of all librarians. Anal self-importance, puffery, and insanely insular over-analysis characterise way too many people in this profession. This is not brain surgery and you are not that important. Shut up.

    Relatedly, any middle-class company drone who thinks their job is so crucial to society. You're not a doctor or a firefighter or something awesome like that? Then hush, you self-aggrandising idiot. We're all hurtling towards death at high speed and we're in a limitless, uncaring universe. I don't care about your HR problems. Bite me. Or think of something more fun to talk about.

    People still obsessed with Teh Coolness in their 30s. Even if you were cool once, you're not any more. It's the nature of the beast. Try to like things for reasons other than inane hipsterism, please.

    Dumbasses who make responsible dog ownership difficult by letting their dogs wander around biting people. No, my dog is not going to bite you, because she is sweet and friendly. Also, she is on a lead. Also, I am paranoidly keeping her well away from every single living creature on this beach because the entire world is now scared of her thanks to Mr I Have A Free-Range Untrained Staffy To Look Like A Tough Guy. Yay, what an enjoyable, stress-free walk I'm having thanks to those people.

    I'm not that great in the mornings, obviously. :)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Random Play: Modern Life is Rubbish,

    How, how, how have I missed this thread? This is a hobby of mine! In fact, someone once said to me 'you thrive on hatred, don't you?' I was initially quite insulted, and then realised that learning to love myself - and my intense hatreds of trivial things - was the greatest love of all. (To paraphrase George Benson.)

    Firstly some moments of startling recognition:

    Sandwiches in Plastic Packs... it's all just bread beyond the first couple of centimetres.

    Oh yes. Yes. Opening the sandwich and rearranging the fillings only gets you so far, too. I would like to add soggy bread in sandwiches to the list (a surfeit of tomatoes being the most common culprit). It's just unbearable.

    Journey instead of "my time on this 'reality' show".

    Completely agreed. 'Journey' makes me flinch with rage.

    Ty Pennington from Extreme Home Makeover. This screaming faux-nice emotionally manipulative maniac deserves to be beaten to death with a bag full of navel oranges. Get that fucking loudhailer *away from me*, you TOSSER.

    Americans who come to NZ and bitch about how expensive it is compared to Costa Rica or wherever (friends of ours actually did this). OK, so you realise that the reason it's so cheap in some central American countries is because they're *incredibly poor and exploited* and NZ actually has decent working conditions and people have to live here and do not exist just for your bargain shopping expeditions, right? Bah.

    Pop-culture snobs. You know, just because I happen to like watching completely ridiculous TV shows does not give you a licence to snark about what an idiot I am. I am capable of analysing and enjoying both high and low culture, you know.

    People who say 'exscape'. There is no 'x' in that word.

    People who do not stand up for the elderly on public transport. And, moreover, those dickheads who refuse to move their giant shoulder bag from the seat beside them when the bus is getting full. We are all sharing this unpleasant space. Be polite.

    Ads being louder than telly programmes. Can someone sort this out please?

    There are bound to be more. Like I said, it's a hobby.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    Diana Wynne Jones

    As a child, I loved one of her books so much that I made my mother go to the public library, say I'd lost the book, and pay for the replacement cost, just so I could keep it.

    I am a terrible person. (And a librarian, ironically enough.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    1. walk into your living room.
    2. pick up the TV.
    3. uplug it and carry it out the door to the garden.
    4. hit it with a shovel until it is broken.

    Erm. You're talking to a person who squealed with excitement when she discovered that the Vibe channel was going to show Judge Joe Brown every weekday, because *I have a favourite judge show*. I think winning Lotto is more likely.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    Emma, this may be the first time in my life I have ever disagreed with you (and it may well be the last), but I love Anne Elliot and think Persuasion is one of the best of Austen's novels. So much more fragile and regretful...

    Fanny Price can get knotted, though. Wafting about yearning for your first cousin and getting all horrified by amateur theatrics? Meh. (Che, I'll give you that one.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Classics Are Rubbish Too,

    If his name was actually apostrophised (is that a word?), then you'd have some evidence of foofiness. Snerk.

    Also, I don't understand this accusation of priggishness. In which universe would you not be a tad upset if your 15-year-old daughter/sister eloped with a wrong-un and spent several weeks in London gettin' busy, in a time with no female career prospects and no reliable contraception? They were trying to be *sensible*, not priggish. In sum: harumph.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

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