Posts by Danielle
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I think Lx's problem is the same problem I have. :)
Any argument which contains the phrase 'the false-consciousness rubric of Santa Claus' is a winner by me!
That's your choice. I'm going to leave this topic alone.
There's nothing I love more than someone doing the time-honoured 'you just *choose* to be offended' schtick. Kudos.
Erm, yes, that is a little problematic. I was going with the more recent 'it's cranberry sauce and deep-fried turkey! Fuckin' A!' aspect of the whole celebration...
Yeah, our giant metal gates with a sign saying 'Dogs Running Free Inside: Do Not Enter' are pretty effective.
I am such a westie. :)
(Also, I say adopt Thanksgiving! You get to eat lots of great things, and no one expects gifts or goes door to door.)
Yeah, Jackie is made of win.
I don't usually accord too much credence to the "Poor us" cries of the women I know
None taken.
(Actually, a fuck of a lot taken. Obvs.)
Simon, old stick! Don't tell me you're actually thinking our favourite Muslim Terrorist Socialist might... win?
an enlightened woman
Chicks don't exist to be tastefulness-arbiters, do they? (If they do, I'm a total failure.)
We all love Obama.
Although: WTF, Macedonia?