Posts by Danielle
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Braised in a Touareg hubcap?
Heh. I'm now very fond of Andrew's mockable Touareg. Seeing one on the motorway is vaguely cheering.
"Are you in favour of peace on earth, and killing everyone named Alfred?"
Finally, a referendum question I can vote for wholeheartedly. The totalitarian tyranny of the Alfreds must end!
I know Sacha was joking, so I'm not up in his grill or anything, but I suppose my two points are that getting all 'they're wasted on the Americans!' is silly because a) that's a bit like saying that the people we like are not 'real' Americans, which is just the kind of attitude, in reverse, that The Daily Show has been bitching quite legitimately about for the last week or so; and b) NZ obviously has just as many people, proportionately, upon which 'quality' is wasted.
Oh dear. I don't seem to have avoided the ranting very well.
Quality, not quantity. :)
Yeah, but *they're* about to elect this groundbreaking historically significant dude, and *we're* about to elect... John Key. Quality control: EPIC FAIL. :)
Snuffy Walden
Ah, one of my favourite whimsical names in American TV credits. (I'm also pretty fond of 'Harley Tat', who worked on Blind Date.)
I took that test... apparently NZ First is my party with their and my views in 78% alignment! AAARRGGHHH!!!
I was a stinking communist hippy with 83% Green alignment, followed by Labour and the Progressives, but I *did* manage to get 68% NZF, which blew my mind a little. Other friends had similar NZF results. What's going on there?
(I don't get why I agree 30% with ACT, either. Drug policy, I assume.)
I don't think I can resist this game much longer. It now has a *Beatles* song on it, for goodness' sake. (And isn't there going to be an entire Beatles edition of the game? I could finally prove that Ringo actually is a great drummer to all the naysayers. Or something.)
I'm not a great fan of Simon Jenkins, but this piece isn't bad.
Ehhh. You know what I find kind of irritating? This assumption that because people are excited that they are also totally unreasonable. I'm really quite thrilled (I keep reading these utterly poignant stories about elderly African-Americans voting for Obama - the one about the 109-year-old daughter of a slave exercising her right to vote just about caused me to implode), but I'm not an idiot: he's not likely to 'change everything', or even most things. It's exciting right now, but what I'm looking forward to (hopefully, hopefully, fingers crossed) is a US president who isn't utterly mean-spirited, stupid, and despicable. Simon Jenkins and his ilk have to give me *that*, at least.
They're both so wasted on the americans.
Ah, jeez. Do I have to do my patented 'Harumph! 300 million people!' rant again? No one wants that. :)
So who has sat through the 30mins of Obamania?
I have. It wasn't 'bizarre' at all! Thanks for the editorial judgement there, Associated Press.
Obama and his team are very clever. That sense of calm gravitas... the official-looking office... carefully chosen stories of ordinary folk... some black faces, but not enough to frighten the racist horses... cute photos of him as a kiddy... nice work.