Posts by Danielle
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Trevor Mallard batting about on a penny-farthing
Leaving aside the surrealism of that image for the moment: I've always wanted to try riding one of those. They're such an incomprehensibly Victorian mode of transport. Like, do you need a leg-up? Or is there a mounting stand for a penny-farthing? Do you have to sort of leap upon one as it's going along? Is it unicycle-esque, or does the balance thing work a lot like your ordinary two-wheeled bicycle?
Wikipedia tells me that the big wheel actually serves a purpose - increased speed and distance. That's a complete lightbulb moment. I thought it was just wackily decorative. (I'm not very mechanically minded, obviously.)
really disturbed at just how much Harry Nilsson I actually listen to
Oh-so-belatedly because I was in Melbourne (seeing Supergrass, as it happens) one should never be disturbed by listening to lots of Harry Nilsson. He is fucking great.
I just caught the last 15 minutes, but I just want to note that she used the phrase 'back in the day' in her closing statement.
Christ. :)
a manual grinder
Ah! I could get behind that! How much did it set you back?
I have a 1970s Braun coffee grinder but it's now a bit long in the tooth and tends to make things a bit coarse. It's a great shade of orange, though!
I actually find the accusation of sickness/contemptibility extremely offensive.
I hated my school for all sorts of reasons, but I do agree with Amy - Dyan, that was a bit on the nose. I think what you're describing in terms of passive-aggressiveness and immaturity in social situations is just general assholery associated with, erm, general assholes, not a sign of The Horrible Contemptibleness of the Culture of All New Zealand Schools, forever and ever amen. Y'know?
(I also find this 'niceness-off' between NZ and Canada sort of funny in a broader sense. Don't we both have reputations as excessively milquetoast, politely apologetic nations?)
Hang on a minute mates. The mighty Wikipedia notes that there is this newish conception of 'federalism' in the US, and to new federalists this means that the federal government gives grants to different states to do with as they will, so they're more powerful and separatist. Or something. Up is down, black is white, the sky is green. I am confused.
See that's what happens when an author uses an obtuse title like that
I only have two (stupid) reasons for knowing this:
1. I once saw an old trailer for the film version, in which Americans rushed from bookshop to bookshop asking for The Grapes of RATH. 'Have you got a copy of The Grapes of RATH?' 'No, I'm sorry ma'am, we're all sold out of The Grapes of RATH!'
2. I once said 'The Grapes of ROTH' in front of my husband the American, and he looked at me with confusion. Then a gradual, delighted dawn broke over his face, as he realised that this was yet another way I could be mocked mercilessly.
useful flow-chart
Everything I need to know about the American lawmaking process is handily on YouTube, in song form, via the wonderful Schoolhouse Rock:
Palin, c'mon. Brown v. Board of Education? Plessy v. Ferguson? Bueller v. Principal Ed Rooney? (OK, I made that one up.)
Those damn Americans pronounce it 'rath', though, making the joke awesome only for Anglo-pronouncers. I would totally have read The Crepes of Roth, too!
I believe that Tom may be what we used to call a 'dandy'! Capital.