Posts by Danielle
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2nd hand shoes? Ewwwww...
Women's feet always smell like flowers. It's genetic.
50 pairs? That's craaaaazy (and expensive?)
Crazy it may well be, but expensive it is not. I am also a secondhand and sales-hound. My last pair of shoes cost $10!
(It should be noted that a lot of my shoes are vintage and aren't actually worn very much. I just like the fact of them. It's like all the handbags, or all the stuff in the china cabinet. They're pretty. Those black patent leather 70s boots with the three buckles at the back? Swoon.)
the sort of walk Jessica Rabbit would have after joining the Wermacht
Descriptive phrase of the week!
I counted once, and I have over fifty pairs of shoes. Do I get pelted with old jandals for even venturing into this thread?
(I am, however, pro-bare-feet in general. It's one of the great delights of living in New Zealand, and a visit to the beach with shoes on is just plain wrong. Even in winter.)
I love the idea of the Grandmother Range. My grandmother stayed in a tiny rural parish of Louisiana all her life (apart from one amazing visit to us in NZ when I was six - I still can't believe that happened). With a few exceptions, Cajuns never go *anywhere* - it's like after they were exiled they never wanted to move again! (And they also have a really intense relationship with food. Hmmm. Is there a pattern here?)
I mean, seriously, wtf?
Word. What's with that... faux-bra-esque but slightly too high man-boob-framing graphic on the shirt?
But why is all the good stuff on so late?
Hadyn, MySky. MyyyyyyySkyyyyy...
('I'm your doctor/one you need/have some coke/have some weed... I'm your pusherman...')
They send you a complimentary hand-made love heart badge when you order something.
Pleased surprise seconded. They rock.
a bug-eyed Christian sadist
These are apparently cloned in some central lab and assigned to every high school in New Zealand.
Ah, major league baseball. A hundred and something games a season, and every one of them is exactly the same.
Splutter. Baseball naysayers. What are you, Jake, some kind of *communist* or something? ;)
Cool Hand Luke