Posts by Danielle
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A friend of mine wrote to me this morning to say that Christian conservative Palin's announcement of her unmarried teen daughter's pregnancy as a *positive* rebuttal to nutty rumours proved that we live in the craziest of times. This whole story really is wacky! I'm starting to wonder if her candidacy will 'hold'...
Has anyone linked to the spoof Sarah Palin's blog yet? It's very funny. I particularly liked the guest posts from Todd, snowmobiling dude extraordinaire.
Feminism is a mere construct of those that have the power to divide those that struggle to be heard. You have the vote, use it.
<clasped hands, shining eyes> Oh Steve, tell me more of this 'feminism' with which you are clearly so familiar! I earnestly yearn for philosophical and behavioural guidance from you!
James - Marcy from Married With Children...?
Honestly, the militants on both sides are equally abhorrent in the rigidity of their views.
I think that's a false equivalence you're drawing there. Bombing abortion clinics is several orders of magnitude worse than saying 'meh, why didn't she abort the Downs foetus?'
(Of course, I support her choice to do whatever. That's what pro-choice means in non-crazyville.)
(Giovanni, Amontillado! Hee!)
Speaking of Top Chef, Craig, is a 'filobuster' an overfilled spanakopita? :)
Nemo me impune lacessit
Bwah! Does threatening me in Latin make it more classy, or just more dorky? It's hard to say...
How about IGNORE.
You might want to work on that option yourself, dude. Or will you be following me and/or other members of the Women's XV around PAS for the foreseeable future with your little passive-aggressive snarks? That's obviously your prerogative (wow, I've quoted Whitney Houston *and* Bobby Brown today!), but I do like to be prepared. Preferably with popcorn.
I'm saying nothing, nothing I tell you, nothing at all.
If the use of 'bugger' in this context is, in fact, offensive to anyone here, I apologise, and replace the word with the uncontroversial gender-and-orientation-neutral 'damn' or 'fuck'.
See, Steve? Not so hard. Try that next time.
This works for you? Actually, I trade tragic addictions; my wife's big on Project Runway.
Seriously, I decided long ago ('neeeever to walk in aaaanyone's shadow...' ahem, sorry) that you must never think that any popcultural thing you like is somehow unworthy. Like what you like and bugger the naysayers!
I think ProjRun is arguably a better show, because watching Top Chef you can't taste anything they make! But fashion is all about the look. It's the perfect TV-competition medium.
Grand, I need all the justifications I can find to explain why I watch reality TV shows...
Never apologise, never explain. :)
What season was that - we're about to start Chicago, series 4, here?
That's it! We've had two episodes so far. Keep an eye out for the Conchordian Kiwi.
(Tangentially: they seem to be trying to make Colicchio less judgemental and douchey. I feel manipulated.)
And to be even more off-topic, what are the odds that the Conchords factor inspired the makers of Top Chef to cast that NY-resident scruffy-looking young Kiwi bloke this season?
(His first dish included a Marmite reduction. It was a big hit.)