Posts by Danielle
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It's just you. ;)
(We can talk about both, you know. It's not a zero-sum game.)
Jack Donaghy from 30 Rock
'Never go with a hippy to a second location.'
That man is a bottomless font of wisdom.
Gustav-note: man, the 'you're on your own if you stay in New Orleans' stuff is quite chilling. It was obviously true three years ago, but now they're being totally honest about it. From AP: 'There will be no "last resort" shelter, and those who stay behind accept "all responsibility for themselves and their loved ones," said the city's emergency preparedness director, Jerry Sneed.'
Obama has a problem with woman voters, McCain is smart to try to exploit it.
What Simon said.
'Golly gee, we both have tits! Let me vote for her!'
But to put it crudely (sorry, Danielle)
This pernicious assumption that I am agin crudity must end! Fucking hell. I am the least likely blushing flower of all time.
Some of the blogosphere has nicknamed Palin 'Punky Brewster'. I am amused.
How to attack another woman without giving the significant number of already pissed off women voters an even better reason to vote McCain Palin?
Because women are a monolith who follow ladybits from party to party, voting mindlessly with their ovaries? OK...
It says something dodgy about your main candidate when the VP is supposed to win this for you, though. I've been pondering: when was the last time a VP candidate did anything for any presidential candidate? I mean, apart from Eagleton harpooning McGovern with those electric shock therapy revelations...
Anyway (your I-will-not-let-this-talking-point-go shot at the state/local authorities aside), I hope Gustav doesn't hurt too many people or destroy too many homes. Sigh.
another of your "Man Hating" trolls. But then you are so much more importrant than the rest of us aren't you?
Dude, that was a totally awesome flameout! It's not often we get to the real nitty-gritty-honesty so fast! I salute you.
It's real simple: if you don't want us to be offended by sexist remarks, *don't say them*.
Oh, I'd like a 'Don't Tell Me How To Do My Feminism' badge! (It would have to be kinda big, though.)
I wish you guys would look at the bigger picture
Heh. The centre square on the bingo card: 'don't you have something more important to worry about?' I am perfectly entitled to decide for myself what I think the 'bigger picture' is, thanks. And so is every other person here.
(I don't even *like* Jenny Shipley, goldarnit.)
Do you think those descriptions back in the day of Blair bending over for Bush (with the implications of sodomy) are men-hating?
No... those are homophobic metaphors. (How is that not obvious?)
Thank you, WH. :)
Stephen, I was *totally* just going to post that. My husband thinks President Palin would be like a meta tv genre mashup: the 'Reality-Sitcom-Political-Hunting-Christian-Beauty-Pageant-Game Show'. Eeep.
I am pretty insulted by this choice, actually. 'Here, little ladies: she has a vagina and *you* have a vagina! Just like Hillary Clinton! They're interchangeable! Vote for me!'
(Heh. My PAS contributions for the last 24 hours seem to have been the mini-Vagina Monologues. And I can't stand Eve Ensler.)
I happened to think as Suze did because both comments were highlighted.
That's my bad - I was in a hurry. I really don't have a problem with 'ewww, that person is unappealing' humour, but I do most definitely have a problem with the other remark. Not because it's 'sexual' or 'scatological', WH - I don't give a fuck about the 'offensiveness' or otherwise of Craig's hilarious metaphors. I *do* care about sexism and gendered insults, though, and that one was a doozy. It combined women and sex and shame in a tidily icky package, and it wasn't cool with me.
That is all.