Posts by Amy Gale

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  • Up Front: Why Does Love Do This to Me?,

    Which is pretty hypocritical considering I just exposed innocent PA readers to the fact that gay incest is so common in some fandoms there are nicknames for it, but.

    I don't think it's really hypocritical. There is quite a big gulf between "I think gay incest is sexy" and "these two unrelated male actors are doing such a bad job that it looks like they are about to get it on. Come to think of it, these two unrelated male actors should totally get it on."

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Why Does Love Do This to Me?,

    And they were hardly the first; Supernatural went there, insomuch as either show goes there, about two years before them.

    Huh, I've never been weirded out by the Winchesters. I don't think Jensen'n'Jared are nearly as ham-handed at rendering Super Awesome Fraternal Devotion. Adrian'n'Milo always look like they're about to make out at any moment.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Why Does Love Do This to Me?,

    I mean, they've got as far as "we will do everything *but* have them make out, and take advantage of the wild popularity that ensues" but no-one seems to be willing to go that extra step.

    And for extra, extra steps, I have two words for you. Petrelli. Brothers.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Why Does Love Do This to Me?,

    (note to self and others, do not try to embed italics in a quote)

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Why Does Love Do This to Me?,

    I'd like to see the BDSM-azoola as well, mind you. More

    Here's an 80s flashback for the kids:

    "HAH! Missed BOTH my legs!"

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Up Front: Why Does Love Do This to Me?,

    (When I worked at a public library, we used to hold up those books as they came in and see which pages they fell open at: invariably the throbbing manhood scenes!)

    Ah, a fond memory emerges. The school library. A copy of Clan of The Cave Bear. Our English teacher suddenly Very Disappointed In All Of Us. Good times.

    Seriously, what did they think? That scores of teenage girls were just deeply, deeply interested in prehistoric Europe?

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Holiday Book Club,

    Amy, what did you make of Novel About My Wife? I liked it in spite of myself, and in spite of itself, if that makes sense. She's a very fine writer, but the plot was disturbing, in good ways and bad.

    Oh, I like me some disturbing. I enjoyed it.

    I enjoyed that review, too. They should give the reviewer an award or something.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Holiday Book Club,

    Am I the only person on the planet who paid retail for Civil War &c?

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Holiday Book Club,

    I'm on a David Mitchell streak: reread Black Swan Green last week, working on Ghostwritten now, number9dream awaits in the bag o' library books.

    Enjoying it all greatly, and having those "nooo, not lights out yet, one more chapter!" moments I remember from childhood except that of course now I have to play all the roles myself.

    Also, given that I read Novel About My Wife (Emily Perkins) the week before last, I suppose I'm in a position to play Compare And Contrast The Young Authors. This is not a position I'm taking advantage of, presumably because I am a bad, bad person.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Reasons to be cheerful,

    Frozen HAIR???

    In my first winter here, one of the women in my department blithely explained that it was fine to wash your hair in the morning in winter - you just wore a hat, and that kept your head warm; the ends of your hair would freeze but that was no biggie. Yeah, no. I wash my hair at night.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

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