Posts by Amy Gale

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  • Up Front: The Up Front Guide – How to…,

    I've never seen the disembodied book spine thing, but I have heard of people turning up to Ithaca's Friends of the Library Book Sale with fabric swatches.

    Is there any interpretation of this that doesn't spell doom for humanity? Answers on a postcard. The best I can do is "I'm definitely getting one of their five hundred copies[*] of The Elements of Style, but ideally in an edition that won't clash with the couch".

    [*] I may be exaggerating, but only slightly.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    I've heard it explicitly, but implicitly it's there when talking about the 'will watching a YouTube video be a breach' examples - supporters of s92A will say "Of course not, this'll only be applied to hard-core pirates".

    Sure. I meant that I never heard it about the repeal of s59.

    (But that I didn't hear all that much relative to people in NZ.)

    (And that I'm sure lots of people said all kinds of stuff, with plenty of inanity to go around.)

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    Is the distinction that in one case the discretion lies with the police, in the other, with I guess an ISP or rights-holder? Guess so.

    It's a bit more than that. The discretion to prosecute lies with the police, and then due process kicks in. They don't get to immediately behead you, or whatever the punishment for assault is these days.

    Which isn't to say that I think "it won't happen to reasonable people" is a good argument for that law change. I also - and I acknowledge that I am far, far away - don't recall hearing it.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: High Noon,

    A reasonable person might imagine that the content owners would approach youtube with a take down notice but you suggested to the eager panicked ear that the media owner would much rather pursue each individual viewer using 92a to get that viewer cut off for accidentally watching said youtube video. Is that cos they've got nothing better to do with their time?

    If this is what is reasonable, then this is what needs to be in the act. Selective enforcement is not especially good for a society. Drafting a bill that you KNOW is going to require selective enforcement is just stupid.

    [FWIW: number of illegally downloaded songs/videos on my iPod: 0. Amount of illegal software on my computer: 0. Amount of my income that depends on creative works by me or my coworkers: all of it.]

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Massive Fraud,

    You put the lime in the coconut and drink'em both up.

    I prefer my friend's ika mata version:

    "You put the lime in the coconut. And then you put in the raw fish."

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    quoting a very strange & brillant man "My brain is open"

    Ah, Erdos.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Emma Hart is a werewolf,

    I've traveled the NJ Turnpike many many times - I can't see how they could improve on winding your window down, throwing change in a basket and having a machine count it

    Dunno about you, but I *heart* the high-speed EZ-Pass lanes you get in bits of Jersey.

    Conversely, I hate hate hate change-only toll plazas, especially when driving alone. It's extraordinarily stressful to be driving along wondering how much you're going to have to hand over (they never seem to give you much advance warning) and whether there is going to be enough money in the change compartment to cover it. Perhaps it's different if you're doing the same route every day - but then SURELY you would have an EZ-Pass?

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Busytown: One, two, three, go!,

    I think "good" in gumpaste/fondant is pretty much a measure of mechanical/aesthetic properties. It's always going to taste like sugar and gelatin and gums (and possibly shortening) because, well, that's what it is.

    There is a phrase that often seems to come up: "technically edible". As in, you won't be poisoned, but you probably won't like it.

    Almonds and icing sugar ground together is marzipan, which tastes a whole lot better. Best tasting of all the playdough-type things is probably "chocolate plastic", which you can make yourself with chocolate and corn syrup.

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nerd Dad,

    The perennial nerd question is "who would win in a fight between X and Y?"

    Nuh-uh. The perennial nerd question is "are you a real girl?"

    Or possibly "have you got sheep for wheat?".

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

  • Hard News: Nerd Dad,

    Nite Owl is the Blue Beetle (not Batman as most people think)

    I always think of Ozymandias as a bit Batman-ish. As in, this is what would really happen if you had loads of money, a secret headquarters, and a tendency to think that the ends justify the means.

    (Similarly, Doctor Manhattan is a bit Superman-ish - this is what would really happen if you were ridiculously more powerful than humans.)

    tha Ith • Since May 2007 • 471 posts Report

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