Posts by Yamis

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  • Speaker: KICK IT! Football's comin' home,

    Don't worry, I've seen the games dozens of times and know the talking points.

    Had nothing to do with the Koreans. Refs made the calls, Spain and Italy had chances to win the game as did the Koreans on several occasions but blew it.

    Unfortunately it's football. There will be plenty of dodgy calls made at this WC that may cost teams games but as long as it's not those cheating Asians benefiting...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: KICK IT! Football's comin' home,

    Yeah, don't bring them up. The game against Italy was bad enough, but the one against Spain was scandalous. I still can't believe they got away with that.

    nah it was a beat up by bitter fans.

    Korea should have had a penalty awarded to them in the Greece game last night but were still good enough to win.

    Italy and Spain weren't.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Speaker: KICK IT! Football's comin' home,

    I was at 4 of the games in that tournament so I remember it pretty well, specially Korea dunting out the Italians and the Spanish muhahahaha.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Word in Your Ear,

    I don't get the fuss about people saying they are a New Zealander as an ethnicity regardless of whether it technically isn't.

    My wife is Korean and we have a daughter.

    What's her ethnicity? New Zealand European Korean?

    What if she marries a guy who is a New Zealand Samoan Tongan?

    Are their kids ethnicities now going to be marked on the census as New Zealand European Korean Samoan Tongan?

    If it's supposed to be an ethnic group they identify with then it could be all, some, or none of those and if they want to ditch the European, Korean, Samoan and Tongan parts and just go with the New Zealander part then whoopdee doo and so be it.

    IMHO :)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Word in Your Ear,

    If a Dutch person is in say, the US and they are asked which ethnic group they belong to, do they say "I'm European" or do they say "I'm Dutch".


    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Cracker: That's Not My Name,

    I went in to bat for my three red heads in my classes that I teach at school but all three looked at me like I was a weirdo. They think it's great that they get hugs all day.

    I tried to point out to them and others that not every redhead wants to be hugged by complete strangers and that some might be annoyed or offended by it. They kinda got it but I'll be having the same conversation next year.

    On the Haden thing, I was watching it LIVE and I had the impression when he said it that he was implying that that was the Crusaders view towards the Polynesian players, that we can only recuit three of the 'darkies' a year. But he had the chance to state that later but he didn't so the only conclusion that you can draw is that it was a word that he regularly uses and has no problem with.

    As an aside several of the recent Crusaders Super XIV sides have had 7 or 8 Pacific Island players in them.

    What you haven't all heard is that the Blues have a secret policy whereby they can only recruit three decent players a year and the rest have to be hopeless.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: Cancellation Notice,

    As an aside how much was the Hero Parade costing to put on if anybody can remember?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Word in Your Ear,

    My point (I think I had one.... once), though is that Bush himself was elected President. Whether he became something that people put their hands up later is another matter as the public wouldn't have known that at the time.

    Obama most certainly won the job because of his articulationary skills.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Up Front: A Word in Your Ear,

    I agree to a point but then there's often a physical aspect to winning arguments as well, or volume, or quota of swear words (I get told off for using up my quota too quickly but then I'm one of those exasperated arguers who is convinced they are right and flabbergasted that anybody could possibly not agree immediately).

    A great example of how being articulate can get you places is Barack Obama.

    But then look at the bloke who filled that job for the 8 years before him, not the worlds greatest speaker and that was with years of practice and other people handing him what to say.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Radiation: Geek, annoyed,

    Patchy though it was, I think Lost can still claim to be the big speculative fiction series of the 00s in the same way that The X Files was the big speculative series of the 90s.

    and maybe Twin Peaks before that albeit a shorter run with two seasons from 1990-1991.

    Who remembers all those "I killed Laura Palmer" t-shirts?

    Go on, admit it. Who owned one?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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