Posts by Danielle
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So Suze, it's 'gone all girly', but two of the four remaining columnists you like are actually women? My brain hurts.
One of my uni lecturers has announced that using Wikipedia as a reference means you will automatically fail the assigment. On the one hand: kind of harsh. On the other: I can see where he's coming from.
Considering that any Wikipedia article worth its salt contains references to other articles you can get to very easily, I see his point. A little initiative goes a long way. (Plus: who uses references to *any* encyclopedia, even the old-school ones, in university assignments? Shouldn't we be thinking more deeply than that?)
Danielle, the idea is to up everyone's productivity so that you can put less hours in really soon, but keep going longer. More of that mythical work-life balance.
But Sacha, I don't *want* 'work-life balance'! I want to sit at home eating bonbons and watching Judge Judy! :)
Seriously, I would argue that people who don't work outside the home are not actually 'burdens to society'. That gets perilously close to saying that people who do unpaid work (like looking after children, for example) aren't doing anything useful. It's a very... capitalist way of measuring value.
If we can keep people capable of doing such things, the economic benefits are enormous. Keeping them fit and healthy and in a position to keep working is a saving, in that they're contributing economically instead of just consuming.
Christ. I want to retire *now*. You're telling me I have to keep working for *more* than another 32 years?
You know that the average weight gain of people in the midst of the 'obesity epidemic' in the ZOMG FATTIES United States is 7-10 pounds over the last fifty years, right? Which includes an inch in average height, too.
And that the reason that so many millions of Americans are now 'obese' is because in 1998 the BMI measurement for 'obese' changed from 33 to 30, putting millions more people in that category without any of them gaining weight at all?
And that BMI is one of the world's dumbest measurements for overweight and obesity anyway, yet people keep using it because shaming fat people (most of whom already hate themselves and are yo-yo dieting like crazy, incidentally) is so much fun?
And that most of the time, it doesn't matter how little you eat or how much you exercise, it won't make you thinner long-term, and that actually, exercising moderately and eating 'right' (a 'diabetic diet' high in vegetables, lean meats and complex carbohydrates, basically) is far more healthy than arbitrarily dieting to some random 'ideal weight'?
You did know that? Oh good. :)
I'm talking about a doctor and a community nurse coming and talking to your family about health issues, inside your home, working with you to set up an action plan to address issues which cause serious long term health problems, and then helping you put that plan in action.
Heh. Yeah, that Health Posse coming up your garden path won't be embarrassing and horrible for anyone at all, will it?
All I'm saying is that it had better be a volunteer programme.
actively engage families with asthma, diabetes, obesity, smoking etc
Can. Of. Worms. Wouldn't that just turn into another lovely game of 'Shame the Unworthy Smokers and Fatties'?
(Lucy, I forgot that I should be pumping government-subsidised synthetic progesterone into my body to avoid my own ickiness! Silly me.)
Rugby fan: check.
I will claim no knowledge of FHP, but I'm pretty sure I have to eat food and have to pay for it!
Now wait just a minute, you fellas. I think our need to deal with menstruation is not like food or shelter. It's basically a medical expense, which should be subsidised through the public health system like so many other medical expenses. Why doesn't it cost 3 dollars for a bazillion tampons - just like our common-or-garden drug prescriptions? And why do you think thousands of women just have to eat this ridiculously overpriced expense merely because we have ladybits? That's inequitable, and I protest! Strenuously!
(Hee. This thread is weird as hell. When rugby rules, Tampax and ACC statistics collide!)
After a huge amount of consideration, elimination of ACC (I've come to the conclusion that, on balance it tends to reward bad behaviour)
I am so, so confused by this. So confused. What?
(Also: the price of 'feminine hygiene products' [pads and tampons, for those of us less euphemistically inclined] is a feminist/working-class activist issue as far as I'm concerned. $11 for cotton wool and stickytape? Are they kidding me?)
we might even get to have a reasoned and reasonable debate on policy
An optimist, I see!