Posts by Danielle

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  • Hard News: Yr Enemies R Stupid,

    it was around the time of Katrina that the united front started to crack

    Nostradamus hat: I'm going to predict that in the future, Katrina will be seen by historians as a much more important contributor to the Great Disillusionment. I'm still furious/horrified/gobsmacked by how all that played out.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Island Life: Staring into space,

    how delighted I was to discover that trees had leaves all the time

    Seriously, you people are channelling my life or something.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Island Life: Staring into space,

    it is because they tend to magnify the eye

    Not if you're short-sighted, unfortunately - they make the eyes look smaller. There's also the terrific 'different prescriptions for each eye' problem, where one eye looks as though it's smaller than the other.

    Also, I urge glasses-wearers: do not ever pay an optometrist for full-priced ripoff frames again (apologies to any reading optometrists, but seriously, your prices are insane). Go and get your prescription from a professional, try on some frames in their offices to work out the shape you like, and then head to or Pre-internet: $600 glasses. Post-internet: $30 glasses. *Delivered*.

    (Hrm. Maybe that should be in the 'tips' thread.)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Island Life: Staring into space,

    Mum does, vividly and often, and unduly reproves herself. She was an exemplary mother.... But it wasn't until I told her that I couldn't read the school blackboard unless I was sitting right at the front that the penny dropped.

    Snap! That was my situation exactly. My mother can still make herself feel guilty about not picking up my short-sightedness until I was ten years old. She is awfully silly about this issue. Sweet, but silly.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Year Ago Today,

    Alas the country music thing has shown no signs of remission. In fact, quite the reverse.

    Right on, Baby Bob! Don't listen to the country music naysayers. Go your own merry banjo-plucking, fiddle-playing way.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not actually satire,

    And out of Key, English or Cullen, who learned the most?

    A history PhD is very difficult.

    Which is why I dropped out of mine after four years. :)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Something odd and unresolved,

    enormous growth in the number of people on the DPB, and where people have been, for want of a better term, breeding for a business

    Jesus Christ.

    United States, "which has a minimum of two weeks' holiday a year, and the economic prosperity in the US is so much greater than New Zealand's".

    That is actually untrue - it's even worse than that. There are no federally mandated vacation days for US workers, and many people in low-paying jobs do not receive *any paid holidays at all*.

    Craig can freak out on me all he likes, but I just *know* that little free marketeer-weasel and all his cronies are lying to us about their plans.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wild is the Weekend,

    On the bright side, the Dark Knight is really good.

    Although Christian Bale's Deep Growly Batman Voice is so ridiculous that I can't quite handle it.

    (Still, seeing the Dark Knight on Saturday was a great substitute for enduring the other Dark Night: the one at my house. We lost power for six hours. Oh, and now we have no hot water. So, awesome. Did this used to happen so much in my grey Stalinist government-regulated two-TV-channel early 80s childhood? I don't remember our power supply being so unreliable back then...)

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Foreign Affairs,

    He stands a very good chance of making Jimmy Carter look like one of the three wise men.

    I really hate cheap shots at Jimmy Carter. They bring Teh Stupid.

    That is all.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

  • Hard News: Te Reo and the Resolution,

    reverse backward feltch

    Heh. And also, how does that even *work*? :)

    The Mighty Boosh: like being caressed by natural yoghurt.

    Charo World. Cuchi-cuchi!… • Since Nov 2006 • 3828 posts Report

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