Posts by Sam F
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Goodbye thread...
I think its fate was more or less sealed at the first appearance of the word 'treason'.
Oh well, could always use the time to read some Binney, I guess.
Well, I'm sincerely hoping Iain M. Banks provides us with another Culture novel this year so I'm still in a holding pattern until then.
Indeed. Although as Rich suggests I am hoping at least for something better than Matter; otherwise some non-Culture scifi along Algebraist lines would be much better.
Locally I'm still pretty heavily enamoured with Paul Millar's new bio of Bill Pearson - hopefully a solid contender for the Montanas or whatever they are calling them this year.
would it be too impolitic to express a little less than unfettered enthusiasm at Poi E threatening to become the song of 2010?
Anything that gets that Feelers footy jingle out of my head...
You'd have to ask Bronagh about that...
Which makes me think again of this:
...It is a year to the day since he won the election and we are in the Prime Minister’s office on the ninth floor of the Beehive; Key has redecorated to suit his own modest tastes – I complement him on the larger-than-life size portrait depicting Key and his wife Bronagh as Zeus and Leda. ‘Thanks,’ he replies. ‘Just don’t tell the Chief Censor.’
I trust Andre didn't mean that the way it reads. Perhaps he can clarify.
Presumably a wry reference to Douglas' Social Credit appearing in 1924 (as per the Wiki link), which was some time before Hitler and the Nazis? My best guess.
it's been showing those same percentages since then
What's with the version on The Standard where the numbers are exactly the other way around (51% for "doing a great job")?
A few of the left politics blogs seem to be keen on "Mr Smile and Wave" as a nascent attack meme, but somehow I can't see it striking fear and loathing into the heart of the average voter.
The Silver Fox
Well done sir.
Don't know. Weakness for a bad pun?
And what happened to that last version of your post? Bit confused for a moment there.
Time to level the playing field then by introducing some kind of handicap scale to nobble the exceptionally talented.
And as for his not recognising "German" - well he did look at the the written question so one presumes that he really just doesn't know
Either that or he was genuinely flustered by what he thought was a rude question, to the point where even seeing the card didn't allay the confusion. Despite the apparently extensive image and media coaching we're still talking about a 16-year-old on live television after all.
Can we all take a moment to rejoice in the woeful performance of the BNP?
Mr Griffin, however, vowed not to resign, saying: "I would say this to the people of Britain: it is going to be too late for Barking but it is not too late for Britain. Get rid of your masters before they get rid of us."
Sadly however this early report makes me wonder if the success of the Barking rout may have hinged on Labour gently dog-whistling in tune with the BNP's anti-foreign messages. A bit icky to say the least.