Posts by dc_red

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  • Hard News: John Key(nesian),

    On the somewhat related topic of bureaucrats ... I have really come to appreciate NZ's relatively efficient public service since returning from Canada, where what I can only assume to be a chronically-understaffed bureaucracy takes months or years to respond to the simplest of paper work, and then does so in the surliest manner possible.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: John Key(nesian),

    And is there any international evidence that creates anything other than a mare's nest of exemptions (which seem have more to do with which sector groups have the best lobbyists and PR operations than anything else)?

    Turning the question around, is there any other country or jurisdiction which imposes an almost universal sales tax akin to New Zealand's GST?

    What makes our sales tax "right" - while Canada's, Australia's, Britain's (and many US states), all of which have numerous exemptions built in - are "wrong"?

    The fact is that NZ's GST makes doctor's visits, apples, tertiary education, pears, prescription medicines, broccoli, and home ownership more expensive than they need to be.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: John Key(nesian),

    Where do you think a spare billion could be well spent?

    Well, inspired in equal parts by The Simpsons and the Herald's Your Views section, I would be tempted to: "lower taxes, brutalize criminals, and rule you like a king."

    More seriously, I'd be tempted to introduce a selective GST.

    No GST on Insulation.
    No GST on Fruits and Veges.
    No GST on health & education fees.
    No GST on Rates.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: John Key(nesian),

    Re: Key infrastructure. Anyone else worried that this is a recipe for a crapload more roads no one will be able to afford to drive on in the near future?

    And I thought Labour's road-building had become a bit over-zealous.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Food Show 08,

    Coffee in Canada is truly, truly terrible. I'm told Vancouver is a bit better, but still too many Starbucks.

    Indeed, on a recent extended foray to Canada I actually quit drinking coffee ... for the first time in probably 13 years I was going consecutive days without a drop.

    Soon settled back into my old ways of 2 cups a day upon return to NZ.

    You might strike it lucky at an independent coffee house in Vancouver, but Starbucks is ubiquitous. Like on "Two Starbucks Corner" - at the intersection of Robson and Thurlow downtown.

    Apparently there are 238 Starbucks in Greater Vancouver.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Year Ago Today,

    Thanks for the congratulations, David, and my own best wishes to Gareth.

    Out West we have the option of the Helensville Birth Centre, which offers a service akin to Birthcare (albeit on a smaller scale), and means that Dad is never separated from "Mum and bubs".

    (I did take a half hour walk around the mean/sunny streets of Helensville, during which I thought up Lil' Red's name.)

    Anyway, I highly recommend the Helensville Birth Centre, and a happy belated birthday to Bob. Hearing of your antics over the last year has been amazing, Bob, yet strangely did not put me off having a little guy of my own! ;-)

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Southerly: A Year Ago Today,

    Great writing, David, I can see why it took you a year to get to this point!

    Our hospital and midwife experience (3 weeks ago this morning) in Waitakere was very different ... a high degree of competence and professionalism, and no separation thanks to the lifts, or rule-mad receptionists.

    But then there was absolutely no chance of Lil' Red emerging in such a swift and dramatic fashion.

    Maybe try Waitakere Hospital next time? I can almost guarantee there won't be any snow...

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not actually satire,

    I think it was fairly obvious what was on offer to them.

    Do you think so? I thought the ball-scratcher was heralded as an enterprising, can-do, go-get-em type?

    As opposed to the useless, inarticulate oaf he turned out to be?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Not actually satire,

    Rodney Hide sure gets a lot of publicity for someone whose party consistently polls less than 1%.

    Is there even any reason to expect he will hold Epsom? I can't recall him rendering that electorate any notable service.

    Moving along to Tauranga, surely the locals might think about re-electing Winston, given that National offered them one of the most useless MPs* in living memory for the last three years.

    * = A lofty title, I know, especially given the intake of 1996.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Just Some Things,

    Happy Birthday RB!

    Now I must attend to a fractious newborn, who believes sleep is only for whimps. But when he finally nods off, I shall raise a glass of Merlot in the direction of Pt Chev.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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