Posts by Jake Pollock

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  • Hard News: Heard any good tunes lately?,

    not really the same thing though, he's using that model in an attempt to avoid dealing with the copyright issue he faces if he sold his music up front.

    Yes and no. He's still primarily a gigging DJ, and, if you listen to his music, its very clearly geared towards live performance -- it's basically 80s night for hipsters: a hook from Queen or Twisted Sister for the nostalgia, rap lyrics for the appropriation of black culture, set over big beat. It's not for me, but this guy is huge as a live performer, and giving his music away is as much calculated towards the word-of-mouth equivalent of the digital age (posting a link on facebook, maybe?) as avoiding copyright issues. I'm sure the plan is to end up as big as fatboy slim, filling up stadiums -- you don't need to sell your album to do that, you need people to hear it.

    Oh, and best gig was Tom Waits' in Columbus, Ohio, at the end of June. The second best was Tom Waits in Knoxville, Tennessee, the following night.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Heard any good tunes lately?,

    That Tom Waits, Nick Cave and Friends collection looks like something some random (with excellent taste) has cooked up and packaged as a torrent. All of the Waits tracks are available on the comprehensive bootleg series Tales From The Underground, except for the Crystal Gale one, which is from the One From The Heart Soundtrack, and Christmas Sucks, which I've not heard of before.

    I'm such a nerd.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Island Life: Let’s learn English, with…,

    No no no, you've got it all wrong. Labour have trained Nicky Hager to translate that sound that modems make and planted listening devices in National's computers.

    'Dee dee do! KEEEERIISSSSSHHHcracklecrackle'

    'They're planning to sell some state farms, Helen.'

    'Those bastards!'

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Island Life: And later on, a bit of a…,

    Or not.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Island Life: And later on, a bit of a…,

    Thanks David -- if only all of my intermittent breaks from reading about 17th Century Dutch maps were as profitable.

    And although I've not read any Strauss, I did have the misfortune of having to read some David Horowitz last semester -- now there's an insane man playing an important role in the Republican movement. I note that his name has been cropping up a bit on Farrar's blog, but from what I can tell no one (apart from maybe Redbaiter and Michael Coote of the NBR on the New Zealand Right has gotten out there yet.

    I like to think that, despite Bill English's indiscretions revealing that they haven't given up on the 90s yet, the ideological extremists that dominate the Republican party in the US are still on the fringes in New Zealand.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Island Life: And later on, a bit of a…,


    Nah, really it was Shadia Drury, writing of the neo-conservative followers of Leo Strauss. But I only know that 'cause of google.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Yr Enemies R Stupid,

    But that seems even weaker. Since when is it a sin to give policy advice to any country whose leadership is systematically torturing, murdering and 'disappearing' tens of thousands of its citizens?


    I mean, really.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wild is the Weekend,

    Although describing Andy Ellis and Jimmy Cowan as 'desperadoes' and then saying the All Blacks lack desperation was a classic.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • Hard News: Wild is the Weekend,

    Oh and Chris Rattue should be doing the political coverage in the Herald, where his balanced views will be much appreciated.

    I dunno, he's got some pretty stiff competition in that field.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

  • OnPoint: Don't cry for me, Argentina,

    So long, and thanks for all the fisks.

    Raumati South • Since Nov 2006 • 489 posts Report

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