Posts by Jacqui Dunn

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  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    Rage - yes. We've all witnessed rage right here in our fair land just lately, haven't we? It's certainly powerful.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Unreasonable people vote,

    "this is fucking insane, and I'm going to keep vetoing idiotic legislation like this until the GOP stop doing crack in the cloak rooms."

    Oh, please Craig, please, send him exactly this wording and ask him to use it.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Revival,

    Viv Prince rang around the stage

    Must have had a long cord on the phone......ah, my coat!

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Oh-oh. I'm probably late on this, but my agent sent me an email with a link to the new union's Facebook page.

    It's like someone saying "I don't like the way the country is run, so I'm going to start a new way over here."

    There were some pretty snide comments about actors during this debacle - reminded me of a flatmate of mine who rose from floor manager to producer over the years. His opinion (hopefully not based on what he thought of me) was that actors were a bloody liability - weren't much use for anything. (I think he changed his tune somewhat when a couple of US actors, in two different films, savaged him over his disregard for their need to sleep, as well as learn their lines, for the next day's shoot.) But one of my colleagues, when we were discussing employers' attitudes to actors in soap operas, said in his opinion actors were regarded as "always the fly in the ointment, and if it wasn't for them, this programme would be really good."

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Speaker: Dancing with Dingoes, Part I,

    purple carrots

    Got some of those! And some white ones. And some yellow ones.
    The radishes are quick to sprout and grow, the carrots much slower. I think you'll be OK.

    Please, though, make sure your bricks don't grow moss on them. They're treacherously slippery in the wet.

    Prayers being offered as I write:)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Cracker: Oma Rapeti!,

    I trust you sweated out your fever?

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Oh crap, Sacha. Thanks for that. Having just listened to that gorgeous "Perfect Day", which made me sad for Radio NZ and the long-gone Broadcasting Fee, we're back on hobbittopic.....

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Just wondering...and Jacqui, you might are the teacher's doing? Have they abandoned all hope, lost in the noise; or are they still negotiating?

    Don't really know, Petra. My sister reported back that her union wasn't as big and boisterous as PPTA. Still, around a thousand rallied in the drizzle. They got a bit of TV coverage though.

    There are fears that the Nats will push through closure of special schools - for the sake of mainstream children, and of course, those special little ones, I hope not. My sister works extremely hard to get some good results, but sometimes she comes home absolutely exhausted, and says it was a dreadful day - and she's got only six students. Even one more child added to the mix throws the whole of her careful work out. So if those children are thrown into mainstream schools, it will be disaster for all.

    EDIT: Oh, I should say my sister teaches small autistic kids. We're not talking secondary teachers - well, at least, I'm not.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: Revival,

    Yes, Ian, you rock (which I believe you and the other Christchurchers are doing off and on anyway)

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

  • Hard News: A few (more) words on The Hobbit,

    Pinchandapunch, Sofie.

    Deepest, darkest Avondale… • Since Jul 2010 • 585 posts Report

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