Posts by Yamis

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  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Ok sure, you got me there. But would they watch it if it was on free-to-air, in the afternoon and in warm, sunny conditions? [as your earlier post suggested was the way to fix it.]

    Oh yeah, and the Korean thing had nothing to do with how to fix viewing numbers for rugby. It was a point about a large percentage of the population not caring about rugby.

    But rugby on free to air, in the sunshine would get more people watching that's patently obvious. Just not my wifes friends ;)

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Too many questions to answer there. but I'll go back over some of the issues.

    I listen to radio sport for the live sport (something to do with not being able to see most of it) not the talkback which thankfully there is relatively little of. And that even includes the domestic cricket. My wife asked me in the car yesterday "do you actually enjoy listening to this?"

    You've pretty much agreed with my initial point about TV being where young folk get their sports heroes from. That was what I was trying to say. Young people don't go to bars and they don't listen to radio sport enjoying the talkback whingefest. And there aren't many I know who sit down to read the sports section of the newspaper each day if there's even a newspaper in the house.

    All I am saying is that a sport that has 500,000 watching on pay tv or 1 million watching on free to air is more likely to be better off long term in terms of profile, spectator numbers, and playing numbers with the latter. Financially it's a no brainer for them to go with the highest bidder but the simple fact is that a lot more people will watch something if a lot more people have access to it. Fortunately for them SKY is in enough homes but if it was in a couple of hundred thousand homes and there were no replays at all on free to air it would be a whole other story when the rights were up for grabs I'm sure.

    The responsibility for playing numbers lies purely and simply with the administering body. In the NZRL's case they don't have anything to show on TV. Aside from the domestic comp which ran over a couple of weeks this year and was on Maori TV. They also have a couple of test matches which they will sell to the highest bidder but Maori TV are also getting a lot of rights as well. The Warriors don't have any say in TV rights, that's all sorted by the NRL who need bucks to keep the game going at their end. They are not responsible for administering the game country-wide that would be the ARL and they don't have much to offer TV networks.

    I'm not blaming SKY, in fact I'm not blaming anybody. Maybe my point wasn't made clearly. It is merely an observation that less people can follow a sport if less people have access to (VIEW) it and that that will be a concern long term to those running the sport in terms of playing numbers. It's a simple no brainer though.

    So to sum up: less people able to watch = less people watching = less of a following and participation.*

    *but way more $$$ for players.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    To get this back on drugs, from 'stuff' ...

    Coffee may make you see ghosts | Thursday, 15 January 2009

    BUZZED: Coffee may make you more likely to hear voices that aren't there, a new study says.

    Drinking too much caffeine may make you hallucinate or even sense ghosts, researchers say.

    People who consumed the caffeine equivalent of seven cups of instant coffee a day were three times more likely to think they'd heard a non-existent voice than people who consumed the equivalent of one cup, a study from the University of Durham quoted by the Press Association found.

    The researchers behind the study said the hallucinations may be linked to higher production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is triggered by caffeine.

    They told the Press Association that the research didn't prove caffeine caused hallucinations. An alternative explanation could be that people who are more prone to hallucinations consumed more caffeine than normal people.

    So are you lot seeing friendly ones or shit in your pants ghosts? What works better? A flat white or a something with a bit more kick?

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    but there was a mysterious dark-haired young woman with a cat who kept appearing.

    If you were on acid then that was probably bad jelly the witch.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    'fraid not. Some people call it a 'people-mover' but I prefer to call it an over-sized van-thingy, which is difficult to back (witness the numerous dings!)

    Hell, try backing out past those things in an ordinary car! My two year old isn't able to call out to me yet to tell me there's a bus approaching at speed.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    We have a bumper sticker "I am not a number" on our car

    Well your car certainly is. Something like BLT169 probably.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    I hear this time and again but I'm yet to bump into these people who are apathetic to rugby.

    I am really going off my personal observations plus a study I heard of a while back which suggest there were something like 700,000? people in NZ that were avid rugger fans and another 500,000 or so that follow it to a significant extent. Believe me though, I can think of a stinkingly large number of people who couldn't give a flying fuck about rugby. My wife and every single Korean that she and I know as a starter for ten. I could also suggest a large number of radio sport callers and sports forum posters who are rugby fans but openly becoming or long since became apathetic to rugby (by their standards anyway).

    I'd say at my school over half the kids come from families without access, they don't pop into many pubs.

    I'm not representative of millions of people but I used to watch ALL rugby and league live and now I watch about 5% of it live.

    I live next to a radio though with is permanently tuned to RS. Most of those who listen (well call in at least) funnily enough seem to have SKY as they are typically talking about what they saw and it was only on SKY. But make no mistake, there are a whole lot of kids out there who are watching very, very little rugby, league and cricket and it must be making a significant difference down the stretch. You don't want a generation growing up without sporting heroes. Not if you are adminstering that sport anyway.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    At least we know you can't get the beer from Pak'n'Save..

    I now and then get mildly jealous when I'm in other parts and I can pick up a dozen beer for sod all in a pac n'save but then I get a free first aid kit, smoke alarm and see the print out in the local rag of where all that trust money is going and forgive (the stinking bastards!).

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    But I do find it ironic that people should be talking about mature adult attitudes to drinking when even some posters here have a childish approach general issue of drugs .................... and lets face it alcohol is a strong drug.

    That's why I take it :) No need to piss around with other things that can give you a high. Like exercise.

    I think we can be a bit anal about the whole drug thing. Its not entirely natural to throw yourself off a bridge with some rubber tied around your legs or out of a plane with some material rolled up into a bundle strapped to your back or smash the hell out of somebody because they are holding a synthetic ball made in India etc etc.

    The mature attitude to drinking could loosely be classified as one where you know how much you can drink without indulging in anti-social behaviour hurting yourself and/or others. And obviously that varies from one person to the next.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    I think the amount that SKY costs is perfectly reasonable for what you get. It's just when you are constantly in credit card debt at the end of each month and have to not spend a cent for a week that you realise that it's probably best to not have another 65 bucks adding onto that. Not when you have a house 60% through a tidy up/construction site phase anyway.

    The reason for waning interest in rugby (as it's the best example) is clearly spread far and wide. You have it more or less inaccessable to around 50% of the population, you have games on at night which cuts back on family numbers, and those who prefer not to be sat in 5 degree temperatures in the rain, and you have such a vast amount of it that games lose significance and once people realise that then they stop caring 100% about whether they watch the game or not and start caring 73.4%.

    I wonder how far TVNZ are looking at taking the freeview thingee with dedicated sports channels. If they can get it into enough homes then it could create a lot more competition for SKY resulting in them gaining less rights to sports and then having to cut their price back. A long way off though you'd have to think.

    We might eventually end up with 15 boxes on our TV's and have conversations like ..."honey could you plug in the cycling decoder thanks,..... no, no, that's the boxing box you silly billy, the grey one, no, the grey one with the red stripe, that one if for the domestic rugby, yeah that's the one, cheers, ah fuck, the cycling's finished".

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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