Posts by Yamis

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  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Richard, replays don't work alright. Not when they are 5 hours or 15 hours after the match. They need to be an hour or two delayed and then people will holdoff listening on the radio or can avoid the result and the game still feels 'fresh' (some rugby games fall into this category, the friday or saturday night ones from memory). I know, it's something I have had to deal with for 4 years. Not bad lasting that long as a sports nut.

    I don't complain at all about SKY itself. They are set up to make a buck and have made sports viewing ten times better for those who can afford to get it (and a little over half the population either can't or don't want it). I just note that they haven't necessarily resulted in the increase in popularity of certain sports, in fact I think it's partially responsible for the decline in crowd numbers in rugby, cricket and league. They have certainly helped line lots of pockets though.

    I've taken on a little more work this year that will earn me about enough to get a subscription to SKY. Now if only I can stop myself from buying timber for a fence or my wife from wallpapering another room I might just get it.... might...

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Just a few seconds research shows that NZ has roughly 1.5 million households and SKY TV had 721,000 subscribers in december 2007.

    So approximately 50% of NZers are unable to watch any live rugby, league or cricket and are probably not watching a hell of a lot of it delayed either. The cricket had a highlights package at about 11pm last night (a weeknight).

    I used to never miss a rugby game for love nor money when it was all on free to air back in the day.

    but now I would watch about 5% of the Super 14, miss half the AB tests and perhaps see 2 or 3 ANZCup games. I also only watch the Warriors live when I go to games. I have to listen to their matches on the radio.

    oh, woe is me.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Field Theory: They're talking to you,

    Yeah, I was pissed at SKY for their old cynical tricks as well.

    I think short term it is in a sports financial interests to make some bucks from the pay tv mob but having your sport almost exclusively on SKY...

    ie. Super 14, Tests, ANZCUP, NRL, cricket


    More money but ultimately LESS FANS and lower merchandise sales.

    The 4 million fans the NZRU go on about is obviously bullshit, it's more like 1 million proper fans, 1 million who might check it out if they can be bothered and 2 million who couldn't give a royal flying fuck. And part of that is because most rugby in NZ is inacessable to half the population even if they did give a damn.

    The Warriors biggest years in terms of attendance were 1995, 1996, 2003, 2002 and 1997. While that's partly due to the novelty factor it's also to do with a less saturated oval ball market and their games being on free to air live or in primetime in 95, 96, 97.

    I wish a few other sports would bare that in mind when they negotiate with SKY. Get the various replays on at better times (midnight on a sunday for a Warriors replay on Prime is a joke) or negaotiate a certain number of matches on live including the biggest games.

    You might have to settle for a slightly worse deal financially but you'll get more bums on seats and more interest in your game.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    My great granddad drank himself to death when he was one hundred years old. he might have lived to one hundred and three or four. Tragic really.

    A sobering lesson for us all.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Conversation Starters,

    I'm not sure who died and made you God of who has to supply evidence. This is not a courtroom. A well formed case has a negative and an affirmative and both sides need evidence. I'm not a scientist nor a journalist and I don't have time to waste searching for any more evidence than the (so far) 100% observations I have made of the hundreds of children I have come into contact with and seen that they are disgusted by alcohol. If you have some contrary evidence how about you lead the way and supply it to the standards you want to hold me to.

    My parents reliably inform me that both my younger sisters would ask for and like beer when they were kids. I on the other hand found it to taste rank and found myself more into rtd type drinks from around 16 onwards.

    Now I find myself downing copious quantities of beer each week.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Essay Question,

    Do you think it should be a permanently written beside his name there Mark?

    I'd say it's a bit like asking the Pope to declare his religious bias before making any statements concerning religion.

    In other words don't be so fucking stupid.

    Right, back to facebook texas hold'em where the freaks at the table I'm at are betting like maniacs.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Pomp and Circumstance,

    That's my memory of things. Bulk funding and greater funding for private schools were once the major points of difference between the parties in the compulsory sector. The significance of bulk-funding was, IMO, always a little overplayed. NZ school principals have far more autonomy and personal responsibility than is the case in many other countries including Australia.

    That's probably why they are all starting to run into very large debts.

    It will be nice to see if the new government stops telling schools that they have some great programs but they aren't going to give them any money to run them.

    Pita Sharples might be keen to look at throwing some dosh towards Te Kotahitanga.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: If you can't say something…,

    Josh said:

    "Really? Legally? Bugger, I'm a hard core repeat offender -- and all because I was too lazy to come up with some new vocabulary. (The people I really pity are the guests who had to find a suitable card for the occasion. There's money to be made there...)".

    I'm sure I just gave you money in an envelope which you probably spent on German hookers.

    Fuck semantics.

    Or else you will have more of a relationship with the woman who helps your 'partner' deliver your child.

    Namely the midwife.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

  • Hard News: Prospects,

    This is a serious question (and I am drunk so it may make no sense or be totally irrelevent),

    but who came up with the 5% threshold and why (it doesn't seem fair when party vote seems far more important than electorate votes and yet we reward electorate votes ahead of party votes) ???

    Another question, does anybody know.... IF Peters won Tauranga, OR if NZ First hit 5.0% would Labour then have had enough to govern?

    NZ First ideas appear to be more popular than those of ACTs and yet we get ACT with 5 in parliament and NZ First with 0.

    Although I do feel like dancing naked round the hosue at the prospect of no Peters or Marks in the next parliament.

    ahh, yes, I remmber fondly dancing naked outside (apart from some gumboots) at the last election.

    Since Nov 2006 • 903 posts Report

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