Posts by Sam F
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Bravo Philip!
Shape of the nation: I've heard people in mainland China refer to the country's general shape as a large chicken, which funnily enough faces east. Who else for a rousing chorus of "The Red Rosy Hen Greets the Dawn of the Day?"
Does anyone else want to expose them to the wrath of an organised consumer boycott?
See above and previous page...
And meanwhile, Chris Trotter's adventures in combating liberalism continue, as he takes up arms against some ne'er-do-well posting facts about Italian political history.
Whereas Kim Hill ran him a icy-cold shower :-)
From a firehose, by the sounds of it. The listener feedback that followed was something else too...
Oh, look over there.
Phil Goff: Although he has moved quickly to divorce himself from Clark’s toxic legacy of competence, party discipline and sound political management voters are curiously unattracted to the new Labour leader.
Stand over there, I'll get the fire hose.
If you would be so kind.
Given that PC means nothing more nor less than "something right wingers don't like", you'll have to pop over to kiwiblog and see if they're for it (in which case it's the "common sense of mainstream New Zealanders") or against it (in which case it's "PC").
Because I'm always up for rushing in where angels fear to tread:
The recommendations headings: ‘Greater transparency’, ‘Better support for parents’, and ‘Improved monitoring’
… but nothing about that little problem of 100’s of thousands of good parents being criminalised as a result of a law that is doing nothing to address the real cause of child abuse.
JK is ramming this PoS law down our throats with BS time-wasting reports and stall tactics that is more characteristic of other political persuasions.
The real issue is kept isolated from the masses by all the noise generated around whether one should or shouldn’t smack children, fueled by countless so-called “examples” from both sides of the fence.
Do you think [Latta's] chances of getting another series of his comedy show have just improved? At the taxpayers’ expense of course.
Nigel Latta’s assurances and the PM’s smile are irrelevant. Without law we we cannot have justice; feelgood leads to tyranny.
Yeah, I think the verdict is in from Kiwiblargh. But, stop press: a worthwhile closing point from Danyl McLauchan:
"All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident"
I really hate that Schopenhauer quote, it misses out that fact that all lies also pass through those first two stages.
On the Paul Henry thingy, I've picked up on an idea from PAS's own Craig Ranapia, and got together some info on how people can pressure Breakfast's main advertisers. Please do give it a go
Done - thanks for providing the addresses and the template email, which I dressed up a bit. Added this in too to reflect where I think responsibility also lies:
I personally think that Henry's on-air behaviour reflects poorly upon TVNZ, and inevitably upon Breakfast's sponsors also, including your company. I am sure that Heritage Hotels does not wish to pay good money for brand promotion in the current business climate, only to have its reputation sullied on an ongoing basis because TVNZ cannot or will not rein in grossly inappropriate behaviour by its hosts.
Hi Ben: rereading your original post, I'm sorry you got caught up in the mess above. Please do stick around.
conseismal's continuous re-registration often means that when a new member pops up in the midst of an argument involving conseismal, they get mistaken for a sockpuppet of him/her. FWIW I don't think pollywog is one of these, nor you.
My post earlier was basically rattled off in anger at what I saw as (yet another instance of) baiting and belittlement followed by faux-offended appeals to Honest Debate and Free Speech. I'm sorry to have added to the generally edgy atmosphere which has hung over the forum a bit lately, which I think Sacha was getting at - I tried to be as civil as possible given the crap I was responding to. Maybe just I need to take a deep breath and learn not to respond in these cases at all.
Okay, I'll leave it at that, I think.
Sam F, you must have just missed us. Ships in the night an'all. We went through the stage door around the side at about 2.45. Shame eh.
Again... :|
No chance of a repeat at some point maybe?