Posts by B Jones

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  • Radiation: Geek, annoyed,

    This isn't a bad resource for the confused. I felt a lot better about the finale after reading a little explanation. This doesn't reflect well on the skill of the writers, but.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Radiation: Geek, annoyed,

    The great big fat takeaway I took from the Lost finale was "No man is an island" - fortunately the writers weren't so crass as to say it out loud, or name any of the characters after John Donne.

    What annoyed me way more than the unanswered questions (once they're answered they're never as much fun), was the fact that the writers were way underqualified to write about all the baby stuff that happened. I watched it with another mum, and we both burst out laughing when Kate decided it was time for Claire to push, after about 5 minutes of active labour. Goodness knows how Kate fed Aaron in the several days between Claire's disappearance and their rescue, not to mention how CJ Cregg fed Jacob and his brother.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Radiation: Geek, annoyed,

    why were there characters in the church who were still alive on the island

    Spoilers, of course.

    Because what we thought of as the flash sideways wasn't set in any time - Christian Shephard (heh, didn't pick that one until two seconds before Kate did), said something along those lines - there is only now - to Jack at the end. So they all lived happily ever after, or not, to get together and hang out in a sideways purgatory until they were all ready to go together. Hugo and Ben had their post finale adventures, Charlie etc didn't.

    But yeah. All day I've been going "but what about Walt?" "but what about all those pregnant women?", "what about Mr Eko?", "what about Eloise?", "what's with Jack's son" and so on. I think the only answer is that that's how Jacob ran things.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Radiation: Lost on Internet Island,

    So, now we know what happened, any thoughts? On Lost, that is.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Radiation: Lost on Internet Island,

    Craig - by "girl" I was trying to channel Little Rascals and the no girls allowed kind of vibe that a lot of comedy gets, not infantilise the individuals it applies to. Apologies if that didn't come off right. I was thinking of Jo whatsername from True Bliss and maybe Irene Pink if she's been on there as well - both of whom I actually like, and also Jo Brand on QI, who I fiercely like, but taken together you get a pretty strong sense of the kind of humour female comedians need to use to be successful.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Radiation: Lost on Internet Island,

    I'd like 7Days a lot more if all their jokes relating to women didn't have "hur hur you're a slut" as the punchline. Or by way of variation, "hur hur I'm a slut" if they let a girl on the show. I know that sort of thing is apparently as essential to the world of humour as falling down and custard down the pants, but it gets tired pretty quickly. The rest of it, often original and unexpected.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Radiation: Lost on Internet Island,

    Yeah. It's described by the makers as a 2.5 hour show, but the usual "1 hour" episodes are only 40 minutes of actual tv. Friends in the US would tell you that it's about 103 minutes long...

    It probably goes without saying, but can we have a no spoilers policy here until it screens?

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Hard News: What we have really lost,

    Sovereignty can mean lots of things in this context. The right to make decisions about things that affect you is one possible definition - it doesn't in and of itself mean passports and borders and citizenship. A more sensible and nuanced discussion would include concepts like devolution, which hasn't as I recall destroyed the economic viability of the UK, models like local government and so on.

    Talking about passports and borders is one end of a very long spectrum, and the various separatist ventures (Gerard Otimi, Native Assessors Courts etc) are very much in the fringe - they're not backed by mainstream Maori leaders, and often spring up in opposition to more traditional tribal structures like Runanga. Unfortunately the fringe dwellers are overrepresented in the media, who love a good drama, especially when it scratches the paranoid itches of those who supported Brash at Orewa.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Hard News: The best kind of villain…,

    I'm not usually one to wade into the pop culture discussions here, but I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this, the music of which Malcolm McLaren was at least partially responsible for, along with Delibes, Yanni and goodness knows who else.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

  • Hard News: A revolting piece of shit,

    Pharmachick wrote:

    I actually replied to B Jones, 30 March 12:10 (page 1) ... errrrmm apologies: seems the "reply" function on this site is not quite how I'm used to it working

    Yes, it would be good if it automatically included quote text when you hit reply.

    Thanks for the Hansard tip, the online databases I've looked at are mostly post-80s and wouldn't cover Marilyn Waring's time, plus I think you need a subscription which I don't currently have. My patience for sleuthing ran out about there, and I was trying to prod Jonty into citing his Marilyn Waring quote. It has the feel of an urban legend.

    Wellington • Since Nov 2006 • 976 posts Report

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