Posts by Sam F
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Did the Troll build the bridge? He has shown he is not greedy as he allows two to pass for the price of one.
The Troll is just trying to make a living, but the very existance of the troll is an affront to the Goats and is dispensed with for their own benefit.
But then who tells us this is a troll? The self justifying assertion after the fact of the gang of goats.
The troll as infrastructure management contractor would rather buy the bridge outright and charge a toll for access, but the anti-business climate in this country won't stand for it.
Instead the maintenance costs NOT borne by freeloading goats will create more pressure to increase RUCs on elephants, which (although the green lobby will never admit it) are the lifeblood of cross-bridge trade, and their operators need to be encouraged not levied further.
But you won't hear this from the goats in the rush to declare that the bridge is "free for all" so they can go and devour fresh grass at the expense of our hardworking farming community. Shameful.
So due to Political Correctness, Mr. Clive is the victim.
But we knew that. Anti-PC is all about how everyone else gets to be a victim, except put-upon, white male me. What about meeeee?
I recognize a lot of those faces Simon. But you can hardly call them mainstream society. Load of BS. Don't see any plumbers or electricians there.
Socialists and their obsession with the working class. You realise you're holding this country back Andrew? Where's the ambition?
(However, I am slowly morphing into my gravatar - is this happening to anyone else?)
Rare is the day I log into PAS and don't have at least one :D moment of recognising awesomeness.
As it is Friday and the conversation often wanders a bit, I wonder if anyone else has had my experience with headphones. Another expensive set of Sony noise reduction 'phones are kaput, due to a design fault which seems to afflict many such devices ie the breakages adjacent to the earphone jack. Why don't they reinforce this point with a protective sleeve, or something?
In my experience too, many Sony earphones seem very vulnerable to breaking either by the jack, or where the cords meet the earpieces themselves (another fragile spot). I bought a set recently on special, and have been religiously packing them away in their little wind-away case to protect them from damage.
That said, they do sound good, and except for the looks they are in every way superior to the appalling standard iPod earphones.
Here endeth my contribution to the earphone threadjack.
Nat Torkington's very popular Ignite series of lightning presentations
If that's not their official name it totally should be.
Practically a presentation in itself.
Seriously: be prepared to lie awake at night worrying about the fates of fictional characters.
Sheeeeit. I'm concerned enough for Bubbles' and Cutty's health as it stands.
As for Sensible Sentencing: good news. If they want to keep the tax-free status they now have a chance to commit to doing more of the work they were supposedly founded to do - not just paying McVicar to mouth off when he'd probably do it in the street for free anyway.
they're doing it so you should too Russell, c'mon how lame is that for an argument, about as lame as you be our case law guinea pig Russell and I'll stay hidden behind my oh-so-rebellious persona
"There's games beyond the fucking game." - Stringer Bell
Off topic, but *highfive*! About three episodes from the end of Season Three as we speak. Can't wait to see how Hamsterdam falls to bits...
Emailed - would be nice to pop along if possible, but if even more super-keen people are coming from out of town, I'm happy to be bumped off the list if needed.