Posts by Isabel Hitchings

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  • Up Front: Boning Up,

    I find not wearing a bra exquisitely painful if I move at more than a stately walk.

    Yup - I've always wondered how nudist volleyball doesn't get completely halted by weeping and swearing.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Southerly: Bob's House,

    Welcome home.

    If it makes Jennifer feel any better I have, on more than one occasion and always with a little trepidation, breastfed a duplo crocodile.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Missionary Position,

    Do you have to be "spiritual" to derive pleasure from beauty or to experience wonder? Usually "spirituality" implies an awareness of something more than what can be experienced through the senses whether that be the hand of a deity or some sort of undefined magic.

    I wonder if, possibly because of our cultural history, we have a shortage of non-religious words to describe those breath-catching moments - I know I'll often describe something as "transcendental" or "good for the soul" or "making my spirit soar" because those phrases are the closest I can get even if not all the connotations fit exactly.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Missionary Position,

    I always suspect that people who say stuff like "I'm not religious but I am very spiritual" are basically trying to have it both ways and see themselves as superior to both theists and atheists.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Missionary Position,

    When I was younger I was a magnet for the religious crazies. I think I had every earnest christian kid at my high school praying for me but these days my life is blessedly (pun maybe intended) free of such things. Some of my friends are quite religious but I've only ever found it out months to years after meeting them and usually because they are telling a funny story about something totally inappropriate their kid said right in the middle of a sermon.

    Creepiest experience ever was when I was about 13 and I had fallen asleep in the sun in our back garden only to be awakened by a middle aged JW man standing over me who said "you were so beautiful sleeping". Total ick.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Holland Diaries, Pt 1,

    Re: learning sign. If I recall correctly (I'll give you 50:50 odds on that) infants of signing parents learn sign following almost the exact same process as any infant learning the language of it's parents and, no matter when we start, we'll never learn another language as easily and completely as the ones we learn from birth.

    Whether there's any advantage to starting at four as opposed to ten or thirty-seven is a whole nother question.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: The Holland Diaries, Pt 1,

    My understanding about the language acquisition thing (and I'm reaching back a long way into the vaults here) is that babies will make any old sound but as they grow they winnow out the "useless" sounds and retain those used in the language they hear around them to the point where adults actually can have difficulty "hearing" sounds that don't occur in their mother tongue(s).

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Up Front: Absence of Malice,

    Steven - I could cry for your wee girl. This is where kids need to know that their grown-ups are in their corner and that just because something is done at school by a teacher doesn't make it right.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: The strange story arc,

    apart from beyonce, that was an amazing show
    is there something contractual about using her in every single show in some way or another?

    You know what they used to say about the Fat Lady singing? Well now that we're all panicked about the "obesity epidemic" the rather more streamlined Ms Knowles has taken over the role.

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Public Bad,

    It occurs to me that there have been a fair number of occasions where I have clicked on a link thinking it leads to a web page or some form of streamed media and am then surprised when something starts downloading. I wonder if this could potentially get one into poo?

    Christchurch • Since Jul 2007 • 719 posts Report

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