Posts by James Green

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  • Cracker: LOL,

    Uh yeah. The Terrace. I think it might also have been something else in between. I have been to The Terrace twice, perhaps. About the best feature was being able to get 6 odd litres of Speights Chocolate Ale in a tall glass tube with a tap on the bottom. Mmm. Beer with chocolate.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    When Jeremy mentioned having to make the publicity before the show

    You see the exact same phenomenon at academic conferences, where you must submit your abstract months in advance (often before you have the results, sometimes before you've even collected the data, or even before you've finalised the study design).

    And funny that there should be such a collection of people here that remember those gigs. I ran into Jeremy in Auckland not long after he left (Jan 1999?) at the Classic. We had a bit of a chat and reminisce then! So quite cool to be doing so 8 years later!!

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    The computer was turned on circa 6.45am and the message (You were the only one who deserved to stay) left on screen. Both defense and prosecution have argued about the timing since David was finishing his paper round circa 6.45am

    what i've never understood about this line of "evidence" is that it is not hard to change the CMOS settings on a computer to jerry whatever time the machine "thinks" it was when it did something, without leaving a trace of the time adjustment.

    From the Lords report "Mr Cox was not wearing a watch. He therefore relied on the timings provided by DC Anderson’s watch. The constable’s watch, having no second hand and no divisions marked between the five minute intervals, was not a very suitable one for making exact measurements. It moreover appeared that it had at the relevant time been 2 minutes fast."

    The Lords don't consider it a large point, but they do agree that the timing is rather unreliable (and definitely could have been earlier).

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    < quote > Like this </ quote >

    but without the spaces between the pointy brackets

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    It's interesting reading ideas of comedy as a craft process. It kind of reminds me of the capping show. I went to opening night this year, which is in part interesting because of the stuff they cull afterwards because it doesn't work. There's something of a group humour mentality in the cast, and stuff that seems uproariously funny to the cast goes down like a bucket of cold sick with the public. I always get a little kick when I see some of my old cast-mates on the box as well.

    And big ups to Jeremy if he's still around!! Long ago memories of comedy out the back of Ruby in the Dust, and the efforts he and others must have gone to to keep it fresh. Mint.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Oh, so Dad was that derranged was he? Did he have a maniacal laugh, like The Riddler on Batman?

    [You do get that I was joking right?]
    I was more thinking along the lines of Sideshow Bob, but he also has a maniacal laugh.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    If I search on "Lebanese" in the yellow pages, I get 4 hits. If I search on "Chinese", I get 423 hits. If I search on "Vietnamese" I get 72 hits. It just happened to be a Lebanese restaurant ....

    Uh yeah. None of the Lebanese restaurants of my acquaintance have Lebanese in the title. Interestingly, neither do any of my local Italian restaurants. Or in fact the Chinese restaurants.
    Gasp!! Could it be that the reason why Lebanese doesn't get many hits in the yellow pages is not because they don't run restaurants, but because they don't have a healing system called Lebanese Medicine?
    But, hey, just while you're making this into a Lebanese conspiracy, perhaps you could point out that Dunedin has a prominent Lebanese community, and that they are involved in the stadium debate. And wait, Joe Karam played rugby.
    If I ever give up my day job, there might be a career for me in 'investigative' journalism.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Why kill the whole family but spare David? What did he do to deserve leniency? SNIP As others have said, why did Robin - apparently wanting David to stay/live - leave behind evidence implicating David but not himself?

    Haha. That's easy. What's the only thing better than killing someone? Leaving them behind to face a mulitple murder rap [/conspiracy]

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Astonishing New Car from…,

    You could also try a four stroke scooter. Or a small motorbike (which are cheaper to buy because they're less trendy). A Suzuki 125 is not too dissimilar to a scooter in terms of fuel economy I'd guess.

    And as for 2 stroke diesels, I have fond memories of the old Mount Cook Denning buses run by mount cook lines, and later discovered their distinctive engine note relates to them being a big 2 stroke turbo V8. How very american somehow.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Can we call it Chicken Gate yet?

    Heh. When I heard the news trailer mentioning that there was a new name in relation to the scandal, I immediately assumed that it has been christened SomethingGate, and was surprised (and amused) to find out it was actually about Idour.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

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