Posts by James Green

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  • Hard News: Claims,

    Heather -- I think it's something to do with deeper systemic corruption in the police force in Dunedin and Canterbury, of which the pR0n film is only part. And that officers involved in the Bain case have a history of dodgy going ons. Or at least thats how I see the very long bow being drawn.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    On Investigate's circulation, for some reason it was not audited last year, ABC gives it a circulation of 8,212 a month.

    I believe you pay to be audited, so that you can tell potential advertisers what your circulation is.

    Incidentally, mags/newspapers have their mastheads torn off so that stores can "prove" they didn't sell them, rather than sending all the unsold copies back to the publisher. So basically, if you get 100 papers delivered, sell 60, return 40 mastheads, the publisher bills you for the 60 you sold. Typically, staff will then take at least a few copies of the mags sans masthead for their own reading pleasure.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: Claims,

    Entirely off the point, but I do love how everyone, including the esteemed RB keeps referring to the "video", despite the fact that it's referred to as a "film", there was a "projector" present, and it was around about 1981. Heh.

    Funny how times change. And incidentally, kind of interesting that someone would have film porn. Talk about old skool. And really, back in the day any sort of home projection (rugby, porn or otherwise), would be much more novel than it is now.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Astonishing New Car from…,

    And as a Dunedin resident, I'd be interested to know how it is with hills(!)

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Astonishing New Car from…,

    Eek. Uh, I suspect the Smart might be a bit peppier. A 0-100 time of 20seconds, is well, pretty weak. I've driven slower (I once clocked an old 4WD at about 26 seconds, and decided that trying to make it accelerate faster than normal was essentially a waste of time).

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Southerly: The Astonishing New Car from…,

    While I can see some grounds for Plum's cynicism, I don't see that this car is anymore ridiculous than the Smart ForTwo. And although the smart is small and cute, it uses a lot more fuel, and presumably doesn't go as fast. AA won't tell me how much a smart costs, but it seems pretty good on price as well.

    I'd willingly admit that most Smart's are owned as a bit of a gimmick, but there would still be some market for such a car here.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • OnPoint: D6: Trainspotting,

    That bed looks (vaguely) more comfortable than Vietnamese first class, in which a westerner can't sit on the bed without having to twist the neck (and I'm not tall). I still can't quite work out whether it was better to have the bed you can't sit up in with air-con (but with the smell of stale smoke, plus you can't see out for the condensation) or second class where there isn't enough room to have your knees straight in front of you, fans not air-con. You can open the windows, but they have metal shutters, because people throw rocks at trains. Duh.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: Flashback,

    If it smells like meths, then it's not a Gestetner, but a later iteration, the spirit duplicator, also referred to as a 'Banda' or 'ditto'. Lovely purple printing (usually), and (according to wikipedia), the smell of isopropyl alcohol and methanol. Mmmmmm

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Cracker: LOL,

    Interesting. I heard Kan multiple times in Dunedin. They were themed shows, and they always seemed to be on the theme.

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

  • Hard News: The People's Choice,

    I don't know why the Police are coming in for criticism over Bain (and Watson etc). It's the Crown that prosecute, not the Police.

    I have to admit I find it rather odd that the police let the place be burnt. I'd always assumed it was like Gray's place at Aramoana (ie, arson).

    Limerick, Ireland • Since Nov 2006 • 703 posts Report

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