Posts by dc_red

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  • Island Life: What's the frequency, Helen?,



    No dice.






    Surprised you didn't try "Peter" (in the time-honoured tradition of password selection). :-)

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: About a Cat,

    ... he nosed around amongst my evaporating single malt collection...

    Evaporation, eh? Do you remember to put the lids/caps back on?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never let the facts ...,

    FletcherB - yes, my understanding is that ACC covers (and is intended to cover) a lot of injuries that don't fit the standard definition of "accident". It covers a whole raft of things where individuals are injured and can't as a general rule seek recourse in the civil courts. It's pretty murky stuff for the non-lawyer though as you suggest.

    So it's title is a little misleading. Maybe the "injury compensation corporation" would be better.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Never let the facts ...,

    While National know doubt sees a good populist line in the Affco shooting story, I thought the political right were sticklers for the sanctity of contract?

    Does McGillicuddy Serious still exist?

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Best Country in the…,

    Craig said:

    Oh, FFS, could it just be even marginally within the realms of possibility that:

    1) New Zealand Herald readers aren't all a pack of fuckwit drones utterly incapable of independent thought?

    Who has said, or implied, that all (or even most) NZH readers are mindless drones?

    The point is that the paper has run a sustained and openly partisan anti-government campaign. This is noteworthy in and of itself, independent of any effect it may have on voter preferences and opinions.

    But for the sake of argument I note the gap between Labour and National at the last election was about 2% of all list votes cast (42% vs 40% from memory). So if around 1 in 20 Labour voters can be convinced to switch their vote to National (while all other factors remain the same), then you have the situation reversed.

    It doesn't seem entirely beyond the bounds of possibility that the media might be able to exert that much effect.

    2) The Government might be slightly responsible for their own misfortunes?

    Hey, as I said, if Labour wants to believe its all the fault of the media out to get them, fine. It works for me, because you can't effectively come up with a solution when you're in total denial about the nature of the problem. It would be nice if I could blame the media for the 2002 election result, when National received its lowest share of the popular vote ever - but the only problem is that it just wasn't true.

    What is Michelle Boag up to nowadays?

    But again, has Labour said (or implied) that the media is out to get them? I must have missed this. But I stand by my observation that Labour isn't getting an easy time of it in the media at the moment, with the Herald leading the anti-government charge. In the past I have seen this combination lead to a landslide victory for a right-wing opposition party.

    Does Labour have some responsibility for the current state of affairs? Definitely. But governing in hindsight is easy. e.g., I might wish they had side-stepped the anti-smacking bill like the electoral turd it turned out to be, kept the tax bracket adjustment promise, and - for the sake of argument - cut the lowest tax personal income tax rate.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Best Country in the…,

    Slightly more seriously, the last time I saw the local media turn so toxic towards an incumbent government, run free daily publicity for the opposition {yadda, yadda, yadda}...

    You've opened an Australian newspaper at random this year? Just saying... Please, dc red, on the partisan tip I'm gagging for the government to consume itself in a paranoid sulk of Muldoon-esque, nay Nixonian, proportions. Not only amusing - in a blackly comic kind of way - but just feeds the perception that a long rest on the opposition benches would be the best option for everyone.

    Well I don't (and haven't) lived in Australia, so whatever media you might be referring to aren't my 'local' media. And if they ran an anti-government campaign as virulent as that run by the NZH over the last few weeks, please feel free to point us all in the right direction.

    Good luck with your dream of Nixonian reactions though. I'm sure you'll be riveted to hear of my dreams about another crowd-pleasing policy announcement from Tony "well-rested on the opposition benches" Ryall.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Best Country in the…,

    ...easy access to loans

    Que? Access in a formalistic sense, perhaps, not in the sense of "being able to make the repayments"?

    And given that the Reserve Bank is on record as saying that it thnks tax cuts will be inflationary, I don't see Mr One Key Policy doing a great deal about this sort of thing:

    Variable Rate 10.55% p.a
    1 Year Fixed 9.65% p.a
    2 Year Fixed 9.40% p.a
    5 Year Fixed 8.90% p.a
    Source: ASB

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Best Country in the…,

    Oh, like "David 'P or pure or crystal methamphetamine or crystal or meth or ice or tina or burn or crank or yaba and what you should do if you suspect your teen is using' Farrar"?

    What are you trying to say, Robyn? ;-)

    I'm sure DPF's usual commentators would have some excellent advice on raising teens in this dangerous age, though. Of great help to googlers world wide. Of course, once Johnboy is is in charge, we won't have this problem. Or any others, presumably.

    Alternatively, the Herald and it's "your views" section might make KB irrelevant.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: The Best Country in the…,

    David 'What does the P stand for' Farrar


    Darn, I was hoping a game would ensue.

    RB - I appreciated your cheerful headline and the ensuing report on this cheerful country. The thwacking of cricket balls indeed. I can only assume the august Herald is saving such reportage for after it single-handedly elects John Key next year.

    The front page the day after the polls might read something like:

    "Key elected Prime Minister: sets out plans for next eight terms in office" (pages 1-8).

    "Illustrious incoming cabinet includes luminaries Williamson, McCully" (page 9).

    "At home with New Zealand's greatest Prime Minister" (pages 10-16 - full colour spread).

    "New Zealand declared greatest place on earth" (see our new Lifestyles Sections B-V).

    Slightly more seriously, the last time I saw the local media turn so toxic towards an incumbent government, run free daily publicity for the opposition, and in fact function as the opposition,this happened. A function of the gross distortions that FPP produces, sure, but I have a eerie sense of deja vu.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Farce About,

    to see the usual suspects on both the loony left and the rabid right conflate this into a veritably apocalyptic issue that will resonate all the way to the ballot box next year? Waiter, bring the reality check.

    Funny, I feel much the same way about the EFB.

    Here's another fuzzy memory - didn't Labour use "Up where we belong" (yuck) for their 1984 election campaign, and they didn't have time to get permission to use it so they just went ahead and used it anyway?

    My very hazy recollection is that they got permission just minutes before they were going to play it (or perhaps even while it was being played?).

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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