Posts by dc_red

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  • Hard News: High Times,

    Does anyone else ever find themselves so despairing of 'drug policy', and associated politicking, including the utter hypocrisy on alcohol rightly referred to by our host, as to just, well, try and ignore the whole thing?

    And perhaps adopt an attitude of "I'll take what I like (if anything), when I like (if ever), and if you don't like it you can bite me?"

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Rogerd - exactly, the "but they started it..." game isn't going to get us very far. The country must be almost bereft of real problems and issues if our media and politicians can fixate on this crap for days.

    I almost yearn for the good old days of Jackie Dean harping on about party pills, and Michael Cullen suggesting we might get tax cuts in 2010 if we're good boys and girls.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Yes, but not being the government, they aren't called on to do anything other than spout bullshit.

    No wonder the likes of Ryall and Collins are so highly placed. :-)

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    Steven - if Henare had Mallard by the tie, as has been reported, then technically Henare may have committed the first assault?

    Also, I recall Henare himself at one point describing the blow he received as "a tap on the jaw" rather than "a closed fist to the head."

    I wasn't there, and neither were you, but it seems possible they're both dicks.

    I think it goes to the small nature of NZ, and the fact that often not a lot of substance happens, that we're still talking about this. I will now set a good example by not going on about it anymore. I eagerly await a cat stuck up a tree, an All Black on a drunken rampage, or a Black Cap smoking weed, to get the likes of Mallard, Henare, Peters and Sharples off the front page.

    I wish the PM would stop adding oxygen to the faux flames too.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    And the pointless palava continued last night with both Close Up and Campbell Live leading with Peters vs. Sharples on 'terrorism/separatism/whateverism'. Campbell, suitably enough, had them live. But my sense, from flicking back and forward, was that neither Peters nor Sharples actually had anything of substance to say.

    Peters couldn't actually identify anyone of any note engaged in meaningful advocacy of separatism and appeared to be going on about nothing, complete with the usual bluster. He did however repeat the point that "probably" some of the investigating Police were Maori. No sh*t.

    Sharples couldn't really say that any innocent citizens had been truly 'terrorized' by the jack-booted heel of the state, or that those arrested might not have a case to answer, and was actually relatively quiet. Perhaps a good thing.

    I couldn't help but feel that the whole fuss might not be good for a percentage point or two in the polls for each of these grim characters though. Winston "1.8%" Peters must be loving the exposure and chance to pontificate in prime time.

    Rich of Obz said:

    I guess if there wasn't such a paucity of talent in Labour's caucus Helen Clark would be quicker to fire ministers like Mallard.

    Have you seen the National front benches lately? Hardly an embarrassment of riches. If they have room for the likes of Tony Ryall, Judith Collins, Maurice Williamson, David Carter, Murray McCully, and Lockwood Smith in the top 12, then clearly there isn't much competition.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    I'm sure Bill Ralston would be terribly amused to find he'd ever made it that far up the greasy pole - and would like the pay arrears deposited to his secret Swiss bank account.

    Good point - I'm trying to recall the general course of the interview, and can't vouch for exactly what Peters said. He may have actually said "Head of News" or whatever Ralston's proper title was. I do recall, however, that Peters owned Sainsbury and sat there smiling like the Cheshire cat for the rest of the interview (while being free to say whatever he wanted).

    It was quite remarkable, which is why I didn't turn it off, which I would normally do as neither Peters nor Sainsbury is well-regarded in our household.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Moron y Moron,

    At some point during the last week Mark Sainsbury had Winston Peters on to talk about the duel between "los morons".

    Sainsbury tried a question along the lines of: "If I punched someone in my workplace I'd be in a lot more trouble..." to which Peters replied, in an instant, "Rubbish. The former CEO of TVNZ threw punches and was promoted to the top job..." (or words to that effect).

    Sainsbury was stopped dead in his tracks and Peters owned him for the rest of the interview.

    On a different note, and with Movember coming up, I thought I'd pass on Mrs_Red's reaction to Sainsbury's moustachioed visage every time it appears on our TV: "aaahhh, the walrus! turn it off! turn it off!" Thankfully we don't watch TV One much.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Hard News: Mint Chicks win everything,

    Can someone offer Cullen a job, please?

    I fear Labour's chances of re-election while he remains in control of the purse-strings are slim.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Speaker: Vote Grey Warbler,

    ""...and if they don't return, HUNT THEM DOWN AND KILL THEM" -

    Saw that on a bumper sticker once. Probably the only bumper sticker that ever made me laugh.

    Entirely off topic, but the only bumper sticker to make me laugh was one I saw in Pennsylvania.

    It had a Confederate Flag with a slash through it, accompanied by the words: "You lost. Get over it."


    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

  • Speaker: Vote Grey Warbler,

    When I was living overseas, that was the birdsong I missed the most, and I never knew what that bird was called until I came home and looked it up. It's the most evocative birdsong - it just sounds like 'home' to me.

    I second that - it is powerfully evocative. And relatively common in suburban west Auckland of late. One visited my backyard yesterday, possibly to thank me for my vote earlier in the day. Talk about "blink and you miss them" though.

    Oil Patch, Alberta • Since Nov 2006 • 706 posts Report

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